Most of us often talk about what we don't like in the JWs and why we left but I think there are some smart persons/families/entire congs there who know how to play the system, they don't really give a toss about the WTS ideology (or behaviour) but they stay there just to have a good social or family life in exchange for giving 5 or 7 hours to the org per week. To them it is a social club not a religion. Have you seen or heard anything on this?
Smart JWs
by greendawn 16 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, indeed! The level of religious apathy in the congs has grown to the point where it is threatening to reach critical mass. It is becoming socially acceptable in many congregations to ignore the WTS' continual calls for conformity: people are determining for themselves what they will or will not believe or think, how they will or will not spend their time (and money!), with whom they will associate, etc. Many only stay to maintain family ties and friendships. At some point the non-conforming members will seriously erode the structure simply by existing outside the close control of the zealous core, thereby providing an alternative paradigm. No doubt Brooklyn is rather concerned, but it appears that the the usual heavy-handed methods are beginning to repulse people rather than retain them. (Wonder what the "Godly Obedience" District Conventions will bring -- no doubt some one will keep us informed. )
my dad.
I really, REALLY can't stand dubs like that. Those are the worst IMO.
I know some people who are somewhat like that. Ultimately it's not for me to judge anyone else, but the hypocrisy of that definitely bothers me.
The distinction should be made between those who are socially smart and those who are smart in terms of intelligence. I knew of an extremely gifted man, who was working to become a mathematician. Yet he converted to the JWs and claims to be happier as a janitor, even though he seems depressed. I say he stayed in because he needed the love bombing.
To them it is a social club not a religion. Have you seen or heard anything on this?
Maybe they'll be the ones who stage a coup d'etat and enact restoration of bible truths in the WTS.
Anything is possible... unlikely but possible.
Yes, definitely! My best friend in the org is like that - she doesn't really believe it, goes to uni, is a pretty independent woman, but still lives at home (she's about 25 now) and her family & friends are lovely, so she stays ...
Maybe I was just naive, but I always believed that what they were saying was "the truth". But their actions said that it was a social club with cliques, if you were in the right clique you could get away with murder.
I have never seen whole congs playin the system, but individuals just livin the life for the perks i've seen a plenty. Elders lovin the respect - take away their privs and they just melt away. Young ones just going to Thursdays meeting to organise their weekend partys. My dad hates the meetings - he goes sporatically but will never leave it totally.
I think these ones are a little gutless. They don't go for the love of the religion. They inside feel that they don't really want to go, but are to chicken to make the first move.
Just do it. Face the concequences. Move on and live your life.