I would like to here your opinions about AE even if you don't know much about him,, what do you think about him according to what limited knowledge you have of him. I think this would be fun for our imagination. I bet those that have a mystical nature might have some interesting things to say as well as you science buffs.
I think he was very introverted,,had great intuitions,, a very lively imagination,,and had perhaps experinced enlightenment perhaps not as much as some mystics but quite abit atleast that's what I gather from the recient thread I started which has some quotes of his ideas about spirituality. What do you think? I think with all those "thought experiments" he was famous for must have come from deep down in his unconscious mind,,he must have been in a trance or altered state of consciousness when he had these flashes of illuminations in which became famous for,,I would say he must have had quite a few "peak experiences" in his younger days,,that must have dealt some heavy blows to his ego,,or atleast squashed it to some degree.