No I am not still active. However, that same evening I brought a bible study with me for the 1st time. The idea of a "meat tree" made this guy never come back.... The brother's comment about the meat tree of course brought other comments from the audience about what they were certain was going to be in the New System. I just remember some of them being just as bizarre as the "meat tree".
My favorite quote is "Meat tastes like murder.....and murder tastes good!"
My religious beliefs also now make me feel like eating meat isn't for me....except for some sushi now and again when I'm in Tokyo. Also, I try to avoid meat by-products when I can but sometimes they put fish sauce or something else in an otherwise completely vegetarian one can't go too crazy with it because it is so pervasive.
Meat Tree
by EvilForce 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL Scots....So is your brother a hottie?
My partner thinks so.
Hell, there has to be technological advancments in the new system so all the dub scifi fans can build thier interstellar and intergalactic space ships to explore Jegoobers mysterious universe provided for humans so they won't get bored living forever just on earth.
Scotsman:You never told me you had a brother
I was counseled as a young boy about not wanting to be an astronaut.
I also remember an assembly part about sci fi and space travel. The bible clearly shows us we have an "Earthly Hope" as the speaker pointed out. Thus watching Star Trek and wanting to think about populating other planets was Satanic thinking.... We are thinking about becoming more than our Creator intended, as Satan did in the Garden of Eden. Our paradise was our only destiny...oh wait destiny is bad too....
Evil Force (of the PhD by Awake Magazine Studying - NOT) -
I guess the scifi guys I knew never received that
I remember I asked about the possibility of a large asteroid or comet hitting the earth. The response: Jehover would not allow that to happen.
I also asked about the fact that the sun will run out of hydrogen for it's fusion process. The response: Jehover will put more hydrogen in the sun.
I asked about all of the heavy elements that would gather in the sun through the fusion process, resulting in stronger gravity (pulling the earth in) and causing the sun to become a red giant. The response: Jehover will take everything out of the sun that should not be in it.
Bottom line: There is no logical way to reason with these people. According to them, Jehover can do anything... even somehow overcoming any paradox that results from being able to do "anything".
I just had to make one......
Robert K Stock
In the World Government book it states that it is possible that the universe may be filled by perfect humans from the planet Earth.
About the "Meat Tree"
The Bro. that suggested this must have really be working the DoubleThink overtime!
Think about what this "Meat Tree" concept implies:- Killing animals for meat is/will be "wrong" and not permitted
- but actaully eating meat tastes good and therefore is "right"
- god created the dichotomy of the previous two points
- god will recognize he created an untenable dichotomy, so...
- god will use his powers to make a "meat tree" (which would mean he'd have to re-write the book on plant biology)
While we're at it, why not make a "Sex Tree" which we can have sex with?