by Terry 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    If the idea was to promote the coming of God's Kingdom by preaching about it----it isn't working.

    Two thousand years have produced little progress at all.

    Is this plan working or not?

    Here is a logical absurdity.

    If you know nothing about the Kingdom of God you are not held guilty for disdaining it. But, if you hear and reject it you are worthy of death.

    Therefore: (ready for this?) You kill more people by preaching to them than by allowing them to remain ignorant!

    If the plan of Jesus is to save men from death, then, by not bringing immediate justice the death toll mounts and mounts and mounts.

    Compare the population today with what it must have been in Jesus day.

    Think what it will be fifty years from now.

    That is a LOT of dead people.

    THE KINGDOM OF GOD seems to be a bust.

    Where do I err?

  • Qcmbr

    Baptism for the dead:)

  • robhic

    Terry spoketh:

    THE KINGDOM OF GOD seems to be a bust.

    Where do I err?

    In my heathenistic opinion, you erred using logic in posing your question/statement. If you try to use some logic or reality when thinking this stuff up you can't win!

    Of course it's a bust because it's all a smokescreen by the "man behind he curtain" who ain't really the wizard...


  • garybuss

    "Jehovah's Witnesses have never believed that the Kingdom of God will be on earth."
    The Watchtower April 1, 1985, p. 30

  • musashi

    my question is : what is the logical and scriptural alternative? It is easy to offer critisism without responsibility. No offense..that statement is based soley on the search for truth.

  • musashi

    Again no offense intended..but how can you disdain something you know nothing about? If I may offer a humble piece of may wish to investigate logic and what it really means and attempt to seperate emotion from reason..I have found that practice very helpful in trying to resolve logical arguments.

  • Elsewhere
    (1 John 2:18) . . .Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as YOU have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hou. . .

    This is what they were saying 2000 years ago... THE LAST HOUR.

    Even if you apply the old "1000 years is as a day for god" rule, you can wait no more than 41.6 years before the "hour" is up. That "hour" passed a loooong time ago.

    I'm amazed that anyone still buys the whole "Jebus is cuming" BS.

  • Terry
    my question is : what is the logical and scriptural alternative? It is easy to offer critisism without responsibility. No offense..that statement is based soley on the search for truth

    What is the LOGICAL alternative to the Kingdom of God?

    What is the Scriptural alternative?

    The two can't co-exist.

    First off, we don't need a ruler over us; king or otherwise, unless we choose them and limit them.

    If God is all-powerful he should have got things right at the beginning. The fact that there is a lot of everything BUT God refutes the notion of his kingdom. The alternative is what we've always had. Humans making choices about their lives and encountering other humans who wish to persuade them to surrender their autonomy and do their bidding under the banner of "something higher than man".

    We are responsible for our OWN lives.


  • Terry
    Again no offense intended..but how can you disdain something you know nothing about? If I may offer a humble piece of may wish to investigate logic and what it really means and attempt to seperate emotion from reason..I have found that practice very helpful in trying to resolve logical arguments.

    What do I know about the Kingdom of God?

    Can you tell me what I know?

    I know just what you know which is nothing. We all have had the words ground into us since childhood. But, there is no demonstrable substance to those words at all. None.

    People sell god to gain power. When you give up your mind to them then, they own you.

    What logic means is that we examine what happens with a view to non-contradictory connections. Logic is a means of measuring things. The measurements must demonstrate the thing being measured and be the same everywhere for all persons REGARDLESS of their emotional state.

    What can we measure about the Kingdom of God? It is all opinion, speculation, wish-fullfillment, conjecture and idealism coupled with the insistance that it exists even though we cannot agree on what it is, where it is, how it is or when it is.

    The emotion is bafflement on my part. How can a sane adult insist on something less substantial than a wisp of smoke?

  • Carmel


    Once again it seems definitions are in need. What is the "Kingdom of God". Is it a great and wonderous event that drops out of the sky like the fabled "Armegeddon" of the Watchtower? Jesus refered to the Kingdom as something within us. Is it a bust if civilization moves forward every time a new Messiah appears? Is it a bust if we are able through the teachings of the Messiahs to drop old ways of seeing the world and adopt new paradigms that advance humanity?

    Perhaps the definition of "kingdom" has been so idealized that the real one cannot be recognized. Humanity is moving forward. Whether or not divine intervention is given credit or not is another issue. I would postulate that we are living in the "kingdom" and it is evolving around and within us. We are for the most part oblivious to it as we are still clinging to old ideas based on mythological renderings of ancient texts.

    I wish you well, (as Bruce Williams would say)


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