To JWs: My Unanswered Question

by Skimmer 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skimmer

    Here is a repost of a question I asked in another topic that hasn't yet been answered. Are there any real JWs reading this who can give a convincing answer?

    If you are a sincere believer of the WTBTS, I would like to ask you a fairly simple question that I have not seen answered in any of the WTBTS publications. I would like you to address this in specific terms, if you can. In asking this question, I assume that you personally believe that the WTBTS is acting as "God's Only True Channel".

    The question is: How do the writers of the WTBTS literature support their claim that they are "spirit-directed" and that their material is "spiritual food in the proper time"?

    In answering the question, feel free to comment on what you believe is the nature of the mechanism of the "spirit-direction". For example, do the WTBTS writers get visions in dreams? Do they receive angelic visitations? Is there some physical device involved? Given the rather lengthly list of failed predictions and multiple doctrinal reversals, is the "spirit-direction" of poor quality? Is it intermittent? Is it not received properly? Can it be shown to improve over time?

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    The Controlling Hand of The Watchtower Organisation

    (This Article May Help You To See They Are Not Divinely Directed)

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught that God has always guided his people by means of an organisation and that, although, in times past, ‘Jehovah listened to the prayers of individual worshippers, he provided instruction for them through an organisational arrangement.’ Hence, they maintain that with the establishment of the Christian congregation (at Pentecost 33CE), ‘Jehovah had brought into existence an organisation on earth made up of true Christians’1 and, as Christianity spread and congregations were formed, these ‘functioned under the direction of a governing body made up of apostles and older men [and so] today, Jehovah deals with his people through an organized body’2 and this organisation exists as the modern ‘Theocratic Organisation’ of Jehovah’s Witnesses - the Watchtower Society.3 Through their publications, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are led to believe that ‘Jehovah’s organization alone, in all the earth, is directed by God’s holy spirit or active force (Zech .4:6) Only this organization functions for Jehovah’s purpose and to his praise. To it alone God’s Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book’ and further, the Watchtower organisation is ‘the only organization on earth that understands the "deep things of God"!’ and ‘alone is supplied with "gifts in men."’4

    For the Jehovah’s Witness, association with the Watchtower organisation is essential to his/her gaining salvation. In an article entitled ‘You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth’ The Watchtower magazine posed the question, ‘What does God require of those who will reside forever upon his Paradise earth?’ and then proceeded to list ‘four basic requirements.’ According to this article, the third of these requirements of God is ‘that we be associated with God’s channel, his organisation [for] to receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organisation and serve God as part of it.’5 (italics theirs) In an even bolder claim, the Watchtower Society went so far as to state that people must ‘come to Jehovah’s organisation for salvation’!6

    Many years earlier, in a convention address entitled ‘Face the Facts’ the second president of the Watchtower Society, ‘Judge’ Rutherford, likened the organisation to Noah’s ark. Speaking of the Great Crowd who were to inherit eternal life in paradise on earth, He maintained that: ‘They must find protection in God’s organization . . . The ark, which Noah built at God’s command, pictured God’s organization.’7 Whilst this view of the ark’s symbolic significance has changed, the concept of the organisation as essential to salvation persists.8

    According to the Watchtower Society, throughout the physical and spiritual realms, their exist only two, rival organisations - Jehovah God’s and Satan the devil’s. Everyone and everything that is not in association with Jehovah’s organisation is automatically a part of Satan’s organisation. It follows then that, since theirs alone is Jehovah’s earthly organisation, unless people are actively associated with them (ie: as baptised members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses), they automatically constitute a part of Satan’s earthly organisation and as such, are destined for destruction by Jehovah God at Armageddon. Hence, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are conditioned to believe that, regardless of how they may personally feel about certain teachings and/or practices, as The Watchtower magazine stated:

    they ‘should meekly go along with the Lord’s theocratic organization and wait for further clarification . . . Theocratic ones will appreciate the Lord’s visible organisation and not be so foolish as to pit against Jehovah’s channel their own human reasoning and sentiment and personal feelings.9
    After all, should they leave, ‘Where would they go?’ for only the Watchtower organisation ‘has the sayings of life.’10

    By stressing the need for an organisation to teach the Witnesses and guide them in their thinking and conduct, the Watchtower Society effectively usurps the role of the Holy Spirit who, as Jesus promised, ‘will teach you all things’ and ‘guide you into all truth.’ (John 14:26; 16:13) Following in the steps of their founder, ‘Pastor’ Russell (who claimed that reading the Bible apart from his books would lead a person into spiritual darkness),11 the Watchtower leaders warn the Witnesses that ‘the Bible is an organizational book’ that belongs solely to the Watchtower Society and ‘For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah’s visible organization in mind.’12 In fact, they blindly point out that those who ‘say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively’ end up believing what the churches teach!13 Furthermore, the Watchtower Society has gone so far as to blasphemously assert that, whilst their elite number enjoys the benefits of Christ as mediator, Jesus is not the mediator for the millions of other Witnesses throughout the world and hence, they must rely on the organisation to mediate spiritual direction and ultimately, salvation.14

    To ensure that each Witness remains thoroughly indoctrinated, one former Witness elder has calculated that the Watchtower Society expects an active Witness to read around 3000 pages from the Society’s publications each year, compared with less than 200 pages of assigned Bible reading (most of which was in the Old Testament)! What’s more, most Witnesses never get around to doing the Bible reading.15

    The authority that the Watchtower Society wields over the individual Witness is difficult for many Christians to comprehend. Nevertheless, it is a fact that must be reckoned with if we hope to reach them with the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Outright doctrinal encounters rarely succeed for, as Walter Martin once claimed, the average Witness can make a "doctrinal pretzel" out of the average Christian in about 30 seconds.16 This is so, because each time a particular verse is pointed out to a Jehovah’s Witness, s/he automatically "reads" it through the "lens" of the Watchtower Society.

    Therefore, the first step that we must take is to remove the distorted lenses. To accomplish this, we must get the Witness to look at the Watchtower organisation itself. The very foundations of the Watchtower Society’s claims to authority must be undermined to the point of collapse. This can be done by demonstrating that the Watchtower leaders have made repeated false prophecies, have changed doctrines back and forth, and have misled followers to their harm - in other words, that they are not a reliable guide to follow and hence, have no right to demand the Witnesses’ loyalty.

    As a growing number of former Witness testify, when the Jehovah’s Witnesses see the Watchtower organisation collapse, along with all the teachings and doctrines that depend on its authority for support, they will then (perhaps for the first time), be free to examine their beliefs and begin to think again for themselves. Then, they will be in a position to "see" what the Scriptures are truly saying about God and his Son, Jesus Christ and come to realise the extent to which God loves them - not as members of some organisation but as precious individuals, as children of God.


    Reasoning From the Scriptures WTB&TS 1985 p.281
    Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life WTB&TS 1995 p.161
    Whilst the Watchtower Society can refer to one of the legal corporations bearing that name, in this article, the Watchtower Society refers specifically to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, housed at their Bethel headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. This consists of an authoritative, elite group of men who are responsible for the entire body of beliefs ascribed to by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In his book Understanding Jehovah’s Witnesses (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1991, pp.49-50) Robert M. Bowman Jr. explains that this distinction is necessary since ‘Some Jehovah’s Witnesses . . . have found it useful to deny that God’s organization is to be identified with the Watchtower Society. The Watchtower Society, they argue, is actually only a corporation that God’s people use to get their work done,’ However, as Bowman rightly notes, ‘The leaders of the Watchtower Society in Brooklyn are not merely administering a corporation, they are controlling the doctrines believed by the millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses world-wide.’
    The Watchtower July 1 1973 p.402
    The Watchtower February 15 1983 p.12
    The Watchtower November 15 1981 p.21
    R. Franz Crisis of Conscience Atlanta: Commentary, 1992, pp9-10
    You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth WTB&TS 1982, p.255 pp.14
    The Watchtower February 1 1952 p.80 see also The Watchtower January 15 1983 p.27
    The Watchtower February 15 1981 p.19
    The Watch Tower September 15 1910 pp.298-299
    The Watchtower October 1 1967 p.587
    The Watchtower August 15 pp.28-29 pp.14
    The Watchtower April 1 1979 p.31
    D. Reed Jehovah’s Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse Grand Rapids: Baker 1986 p.121
    R.Rhodes Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah’s Witnesses Oregon: Harvest 1993 pp.10-11

  • Fredhall


    I think you and Big Jim can make a good couple.

  • 4christ


    it seems to me that you arent really interested in having an intelligent discussion regarding your beliefs but rather try to dismiss an intelligent honest question and instead attack the person who is questioning. does not the bible instruct us to always be ready to make a defense for the hope that we have? if the Watchtower society is truly Gods organization then witnesses should not have a problem with an open discussion of beliefs and doctrine.

  • nytelecom1

    they are Gods true channel becuase I said so

  • Skimmer

    Some possible answers:

    1) Justification due to the large number of followers.

    False. There is less than one JW per one thousand persons. Equally telling is any comparison of membership numbers of the WTBTS and any mainstream religion.

    2) Justification due to large growth.

    False. There is zero or negative growth in nearly all first and second world countries. As far as total growth goes, for every additional JW last year, there were about 150 additional Catholics and perhaps the same number of Protestants.

    3) Justification due to worldwide scope of the preaching effort.

    False. In every country where the WTBTS has a presence, it is usually well down on the list when ranked by number of members or new converts when compared to other religions. Also false because of the resistance of the WTBTS to actually PAY for media usage (radio, television, newspapers, etc.) and being more interested in extracting money from new territory than spending it there. A few hundred total Gilead missionaries is a small drop in a big bucket when compared to the evangelization efforts of other religions.

    4) Justification due to singularly proclaiming God's name.

    False, on three accounts. First, there are other religions that have no problem with discussing God's name. Second, "Jehovah" isn't even close to "Yahweh". Third, and most important, it's not God's personal name as much as it's God's LAW (Greek _nomos_), as in the expression "In the name of God" meaning "By the divine law".

    5) Justification due to succession from the first century.

    False. Charles Russell had no predecessor, either an individual or an organization. Various persons' names from the past two thousand years put forth by the WTBTS (Arius, Wycliffe, Luther, etc.) all had far more in common with each other than with the WTBTS.

    6) Justification due to success in interpreting prophecy and making predictions.

    False. Need I mention anything about 1874, 1914, 1918, 1925, and 1975?

    7) Justification due to accurately discerning the "deep things" of the bible.

    False. A mountain of doctrinal flip flops proves otherwise.

    8) Justification due to following biblical precepts.

    False. What about feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty, of healing those who are sick?

    9) Justification due to exemplerary good conduct of its members.

    False. I'm not going to even touch this one.

    I would hope that there would be at least a couple of real JWs who would try to answer the original question about the WTBTS claim of being "spirit-directed". You JWs spend many hundreds of hours a year going to meetings and banging on doors. But if you can't answer the question, then you must admit to yourselves that you're wasting your time and that it's all a big fraud.

  • 4christ


  • humble

    Skimmer: As you ask the question, it starts out like you really want to see the point of view of a Witness, but then the question seems (I don't know if that was your intention), but it seems like ridicule when asking "is the spirit-direction" of poor quality?" and "Is it intermitent?".

    Whateve the intentions are behind the question, I will try to answer, although I expect some ridicule and some comments such as "I'm blinded", "you're an idiot" and things of that nature.

    First, Yes I believe the faithful and discreet slave is Jehovah's only true channel. This is based on faith. I learned many Bible truth's through the FDS. Although, there have been updated information as our brothers investigate the scriptures closely, the basic truths that I was tought have not changed. Yes, other religions might get some things right (some do not believe in a fiery tormet, or the trinity, etc.), but they are not organized as Jehovah's people. I belive Jehovah is a constant and organized person and as such, would have theocratically organized people doing his will.

    I also belive the FDS is guided by Holy Spirit in the sence that base their doctrines in the Bible which was written with the guidance of Holy Spirit. I also believe that each reader of biblical literature published by the WTS should look up the scriptures for the basis of the information. I also believe that one should not be stubborn in thinking that try to get ahead of Jehovah's appointed FDS. Instead, I humbly wait on their guidance and although I have my own ideas and thoughts, I realize that Jehovah has not chosen me as part of his FDS. See, Jehovah is a God of order and he has his reasons for doing things the way he does. I am nobody to question his ways.

    Big Jim wrote something interesting:

    By stressing the need for an organisation to teach the Witnesses and guide them in their thinking and conduct, the Watchtower Society effectively usurps the role of the Holy Spirit who, as Jesus promised, ‘will teach you all things’ and ‘guide you into all truth.’ (John 14:26; 16:13)

    If this is true, why did the apostle Paul travel to the congregations in the 1st century? All those brothers and sisters where annointed with holy spirit, but they needed the guidance of those that Jehovah used to give them food at the proper time.

    Similarly, today the FDS gives counsel and helps us keep up to date with Jehovah's word and ready for trials we must encounter.

  • Moxy

    "By this all will know that you are my disciples, by how well organized you are."


  • Skimmer

    Hello humble and thank you for your posting.

    I do not think that you are an idiot. Also, I do not think you are blinded either, although perhaps there are some things that might be able to see better. I do not doubt that you are sincere in your beliefs. I think that you are misled, just as thirty years ago as a young teenager I was misled.

    I can see the intent of your point where you express personal faith in the FDS. Perhaps you could comment on why some 99.8 percent of the FDS has nothing to do with authoring WTBTS literature and why it appears that nowadays, much of the literature (nearly all?) is written by non-anointed JWs.

    You speak of the literal fulfillment o fthe "faithful and discreet slave" scripture as today's WTBTS. Yet this is a circular argument as only the WTBTS preaches this. If you read the gospel with an open mind, you might see that the FDS parable is really just a parable and not a prophecy with a literal fulfillment. And if you do think it has any literal flfillment, what is the literal fulfillment of the very next parable of the ten virgins? Are they also a class?

    I think I understand your point about attaching importatnce to having an organization. If it is as you say, how do you account the for absence of any WTBTS approved organization for nearly eighteen centuries before the WTBTS was established?

    You write that it is humble to wait on the organization. Was Charles Taze Russell not humble when he started the WTBTS? Would he have been humble to wait on the Congregationalists? Would he have been better in God's eyes if he had been meek and waited on the Adventists?

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