I don't think it would help at all. There were many times where Elders or COs noticed that I did not look very happy and asked me what was wrong. I ALWAYS told them that everything was ok because I knew that they would act against me because I did not agree what was being taught. Elders are told to try to "readjust" a person and if that does not work the person is to be DFed.
I don't care if the "counselor" was sworn not to reveal anything discussed with anyone else... right now elders tell each other everything that is going on in JCs even though they are not supposed to.
Elders have the power and authority of Judge, Jury and Executioner. Adding "counselor" into that bunch would give them even more power, only this time they will have power over a person's inner most thoughts and feelings.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
If anything, elders should have a "separation of powers" amongst themselves. There should be those who are "judge", and then let the congregation as a whole act as "jury" after hearing all of the facts regarding a matter. Isn't this how the bible describes judicial matters in the congregation to begin with?
This is why most JWs do not know just how Fcked up they organization is... they NEVER hear about all of the crap that goes on behind closed doors even though the bible says that they should know about it.