Exactly who are the anointed? Does the wts have a list of the 144? I am curious to find out if they are all white people from Brooklyn. The wts doesnt seem to give much info about this subject.
Who are the anointed?
by gringojj 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
According to the WTS, from Pentecost 33 CE through 1933 or thereabouts, only 144,000 people were true Christians.
According to me that is a load of dingo's kidneys.
OldSoul -
if they're JWs, and they claim so, but cant explain why then i would say they were liars. i doubt the WTS has a huge list of them as they couldnt give a **** who they are. "the anointed" have no say in WTS governance and neither are the GB answerable to them.
I remember at a Memorial once, in my home town here on the Canadian prairies (where one would believe it's too cold in the winters for suchlike ones), an "anointed" sister (apparently from California) partook (?) of the emblems, and the whole KH complex was filled with "ooohs" and "aahhhhs" over her. People practically did backflips when they saw her walk by. She was about 27 years old, and, when I inquired of the sister I had studied with how this could be, I was told that it is just "a feeling" that one has if one is anointed. Then, shortly after, there was a WT article about how many current anointed ones are "replacements" for those who had fallen. Thank God I knew this was ridiculous when I first heard it. By the way, this "sister" walked around with her nose in the air, and cracked the cracker very loudly so the rest of the complex could hear.
It's just "a feeling", but I believe that anyone who really believes this is truly pathetic. Honestly, don't people hear what they're saying?
Grace to you all.
Grace: That is a great story.... I remember being a kid and watching the plate go around to see if anyone partook...
They used to annouce how many partakers there were a year... it is in the stats:
If you think about it that is a high number... 144,000 stretched out over 33 C.E. - 2004 (1,971 years)
That would be an average of about 73 people a year realizing they are annointed...
8,570 people is 5% of the annointed class that are still alive 1,971 years after the selection started?
Also, correct me if I am wrong but wasn't EVERYONE that was a "true christian" servent of Jehovah between 33 C.E. and 1933 part of the anointed class?
If that is the case and there are still 8,570 of them left on earth, then that mean up until 1933 there were only 135,430 faithful christians in the 1,900 years between 33-1933?!?!! That doesn't seem like very many...
8,570 people is 5% of the annointed class that are still alive 1,971 years after the selection started?
They other thing to wonder about is the age of these anointed.According to "theory" the calling for the anointed class closed in 1933 or 1935.Therefore all other anointed after those years would have to be "replacements" for those who had fallen away. MOST of the 8500 plus who partake today have to be replacements. If you were born in 1925 and got baptised when you were 10 and were a member of the anointed you would be 80 years old.How many of the anointed do you know that are 80+ years old??? It is nothing more than BS.
A friend of mine told me he was told by Ted that there are 17 anointed ones at Bethel, and that Brooklyn has the highest concentration in the world. My friend knows that 23 from Bethel partook. 26% of the partakers there at the highest point of concentration are called fakes by Ted. Is he judging the house servant of another? Can one appointed tell whether someone else is appointed?
Old Soul: Yes, Ted is judging the house servant of another. And no, no anointed individual can be certain if another person IS anointed, but plenty of people claim they can tell when someone ISN'T. However, the entire WTS doctrine is severely in error. A quick (or even a long, slow) glance at Galatians 4:26,27 shows the number of anointed Christians through the years to exceed that of fleshly Israel; i.e. tens of millions... "Drunk" Rutherford got that doctrine wrong among many others (and whence came the 1932/1933/1935? Clearly not from the scriptures!).
P.S. No doubt Ted thinks I'm a fake, too. That doesn't bother me because he is a fake and his opinion matters NOT to me.
According to God's Word the annointed are those who accept Christ as their personal saviour and Lord. Those who give up their lives for HIm.