It just blows my mind. I am an adult, and I can't go out without getting the third degree. I can't have a phone/internet conversation without being interrogated and/or watched. Anywhere else this type of behavior would be invasion of privacy, but because I'm a Dub, it's "keeping an eye on the flock."
by Chia 17 Replies latest jw friends
Know what you mean.
It's the very reason I will not go back.
My life is mine to live and mine alone.
Well that is no reason to leave the borg. . .
Now the failed prophecies, doctrinal flip flops, toleration and/or protecting of pedophiles, association with UN, unscriptural blood ban, etc, etc. Now those are some good reasons for leaving.
I got sick of being constantly spied on - my mother going through my diaries, books, music, private letters by the time i was 14. had to wait until I was 16 until I could leave legally though. The only way to deal with it is to leave Chia and I know you are working on that.
Amen to that babe! I remember at 22y/o my eldest sister would expect to be able to contact me 24/7 to keep me in check. If I had my mobile off I would cop the 3rd degree the next time we spoke! I was one of those people too that so many felt they needed to keep in check, that initially was one of my main causes of frustration which caused me to leave the org and get my own life! These people are bored remember, you are a far more interesting subject to them, than they are to themselves. We should be flattered I guess?!? I guess they feel that they can sense that you must be in some sort of "danger", the closer you walk to the fine line the harder they'll try to pull you back into line, so I guess it will only get worse before it gets much better:-) frog
Before I disfellowshipped those apostates on the Governing Body for joining the UN as an NGO the bruuuthers used to ask all kinds of questions about the relationship between me and my mental therapists because they weren't policeman but were 'looking out for my best interests' and needed to 'protect the flock' from sinners.
It's extremely frustrating. My sister is the worst at this type of thing. She always wants to spend time with me, or organize trivial little "gatherings" to take up my time. She'll say something like, "We're going bowling this weekend," to which I'm supposed to say, "Of course! I'd love to come!" But I always tell her "Maybe." She's learned by now that maybe means no. The last time she asked me, "Why don't you want to hang out with people?" She knows that I am slipping away and that there isn't a thing she can do about it. But while I'm still home, she does things that are very invasive, and it's just so upsetting! I get so angry with her sometimes.
Being in the jw world is like living in a communist country!
Just remember it cos she loves you - and JW love means doing what they think is best for you which is invariably the opposite to what would make you happy.
It just blows my mind. I am an adult, and I can't go out without getting the third degree. I can't have a phone/internet conversation without being interrogated and/or watched. Anywhere else this type of behavior would be invasion of privacy, but because I'm a Dub, it's "keeping an eye on the flock."
This IS an invasion of privacy. It is up to you to protect yourself. What the society is doing here is potentially dangerous as regards the mental health of it's members. This constant need to know every minute detail of your life can lead to stress induced anxiety, panic attacks and even paranoia. The last thing you need is to develop is a psychotic illness. (This happened to me) Your life is yours and no-one else's. Get out of this mind controlling cult, it's causing you distress. I hope you can do this. Remember, you have an outlet here to let off steam. Just my 2 pennies. Good luck with protecting your privacy.