I had unmarried sex, did drugs and read tarot cards
What sin did you ever committ that you thought you never never would?
by littlerockguy 35 Replies latest jw friends
The one and only sin, I thought I would never ever committ is Adultery.
A threesome with a Spaniard and a Swede. They could barely understand a word of English, that just made it more fun!
That was the exact same thing as me! ... except it was a spaniel and a sheep. Tammy
Tammy!!! You are freaking me out.
Posting on an apostate website, hanging out with apostates, being an apostate....
Visiting my auntie in the convent, and attending a Catholic Mass.
Ceased to be a Christian, became a Pagan.
A handful (no pun intended) of sexual practices specifically forbidden by the witnesses.
Oh, and then there was that time I flipped an elder's wife the bird (I'm NOT proud of that, but she was provoking me.)
By worldly standards, I'm pretty tame, but by dub standards, I could have been df'ed hundreds of times over.
wow pretty much the way I have lived my life for the last 2 years......smoking, having sex with many people, voting etc.....