2005 october

by neophobic 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Honesty

    Hey Dude, you need a good an exceptional psychotherapist to help you get over it.

  • neophobic

    if every time i post somthing and get a response like this i must be on the right track, but like ive said before its the response to this thats nasty not me. why do you feel the need to attack attack attack instead of just ignoring it, have you seen me attacking somthing you wrote, ive read brown boy's stuff, and although i dont agree with his manner of going about things, i respect his right to say his thing.

    so why dont you open my webclocker post and leave me with the people that want to read it. ive said before all your riddicule is water of a ducks back, and somtimes uplifting. even when the lords witnesses locked me out. it happens. its part of life, people get locked out because other shallow minded people think what your saying shouldnt be heard by the little flock they just love to be in charge of. why else would you lock somone out. its up to people to respond or not respond. go and read how upset people get on the links above the second one is my webclocker that got padlocked, people got upset because they didnt like it, why didnt they just change the channel like most people would, there was well over a thousand veiwers did they all attack it no. they read it and moved on, some might even believe it. its there choice not yours.



  • El blanko
    El blanko

    Its just the way you read my unseen friend or foe.

    psychosis n. (pl. -choses) severe mental disorder with loss of contact with reality. [Greek: related to *psyche]
  • LittleToe
    if every time i post somthing and get a response like this i must be on the right track

    How the heck do you work that one out?
    Do you use the same reasoning when you hurt yourself by hitting your head on a brick wall?

    To paraphrase: stupidity is using the same method, time after time, and expecting a different result.

  • Sirona

    Any queries like this should be PM'd to a moderator and not started as a thread.


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