Did you Ever Dream About Armageddon?

by Englishman 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I did. Just the once.

    I was 19 years old. I was stll fairly pure except for the odd escapade that involved just a touch of finger-pie. So there was some semblance of guilt hanging over my head. Anyway, this was the dream that I had:

    Armageddon was almost over. Just the witnesses were left. Thousands of us gathered around a huge building looking upwards at an angel stood on the top. The angel was dressed all in white and carried a huge golden bow and a quiver full of arrows. Slowly, the angel turned around at the same time as he drew back the bow. When he was pointing in my direction, he released the arrow and it flew straight in my direction and hit me in the centre of my chest. At that point I woke up.

    I guess it was just a guilt dream, but even now, so many years later, just typing this has made me go all goose bumpy...And I remember it vividly too.


  • under74

    I used to have nightmares all the time about it (age 7 to 16)

    In my dreams it was always about being in a concentration camp during the great tribulation or being separated from my family when Armegeddon broke out or...... the "clean up" after Armegeddon was one I had constantly....nothing to keep you up better than thinking about having to bury all the "worldly" people.

  • zaphod

    all of the children that i grew up with had terrible nightmares.

    mainly because it was my gran who was a jw and me and my cousins parents were not jw's.

    we were all sure that we were going to fry thanks to our godless parents.

    thanks for reading us the bible book of stories gran.


  • mtbatoon

    The only dream I've ever had about the big A was after I left. The world froze over and everyone was milling around when this door opened from nowhere and Janis Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix stepped out telling people it was the way to heaven. Lots of people walked through but I saw the steps on the other side leading downwards. I tried to warn people but they didn't listen and then there was only a few of us left. After a while the ice melted and a load of coaches turned up and took the remaining people to the cross channel ferries that were waiting to take us to paradise.

  • Robdar

    Wow, Eman. That was a scary dream.

    I remember my first Armageddon dream....I was 8 years old and we were studying the "Babylon the Great has Fallen" book at the book study. I dreamed that the Great Tribulation started and I saw the pale horse and rider come riding through my town. The rider's eyes were black and glowing. We had to put the congregation babies in cages to keep people from running into our camp at night and taking them off to be eaten. It was an awful nightmare.

    I still dream of Armageddon/Great Tribulation. Fortunately, I only dream about it once or twice a year now.


  • whyamihere

    I had nightmares about Armageddon!

    I was little I think about 6 or 7. I remember it was like the Nazi's. I can't even type the rest or begin. I still have that dream and its so awful.


  • whyamihere

    I had nightmares about Armageddon!

    I was little I think about 6 or 7. I remember it was like the Nazi's. I can't even type the rest or begin. I still have that dream and its so awful.


  • LongHairGal

    Yep. I had technicolor dreams! Very vivid.


  • love2Bworldly

    Yes I did, but more often I had dreams of demons trying to get me. I would wake up being unable to speak and I would be struggling to say Jehovah's name. Then my sister and I would look through all our belongings to see if we might have brought something home that was possessed. I feel so silly looking back on it.

  • misspeaches

    My sister ScattyKat tells me she used to have terrible nightmares about Armaggeddon. Looking back at the illustrations in some of their propoganda I think that they are extreme and unnecessary. Especially when young children are being forced to study them. I remember vividly during book studies and WT studies not only studying the literature but the conductor analyzing the picture and calling randomly on the kids to describe what was happening in it. No wonder people have such bad dreams etc about them!

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