baptized in Monroe NY in 1985...began to fade in 1997
by minimus 96 Replies latest jw friends
Samuel Thorsen
Born into it 68
Baptized 89 (! pretty late)
Cancelled field service 97
Cancelled meetings 98
Started H2O lurking 99
I definitely can't win your poll for I'm neither first nor last. Anyway - to help you to get your statistics done:
Born into it 1967, decided to get out in 1980.
As already mentioned: What a waste of time (and of energy and childhood, not to mention the aftermath).
born into it in the mid/late 60's
raised as a miserable child thru the 70's and 80'
Went off to college to escape in 1987
went here and there until about 1991
Haven't been since
Hate it
sucks, won't go back for all the tea in China -
This is very interesting......
JW from1975 to 1991 and then DFed
then 1992 to 1993 and Dfed
then 1997 to 1998 and Df
An observation:
It seems the younger generation is not sticking it out for years and years and years the way we "older" ones did. . . glimmer of hope here!
Dunked in 1975 (and I didn't even sell my house, or rack up a buncha debt) due to the "Crystal Blue Persuasion".
Bye Bye: Had seen to much, and had enough by 2000.
"Don't you go dyin' on me now"
Born in, 1960.
Did the baptism questions, 1975.
Refused to be baptized, 1976.
Last meeting attended, 1979.
Last convention, 1980.
Since then, it's been funerals only.
Not in (yet!?)
To date I've only had 3 studies with a P.O.
Slow progress as the guy just doesn't know what to make of me.