Blondie posted a link to a short bio on the GB members and I noticed something I hadnt seen before. These guys all have to be of the 'annointed' but JWs say the calling to be of this class ended in 1935. Whats with these very young new members?
Guy Pierce-- 1934-- Less than a year old- Infant baptism?
Sam Heard--- 1935-- This man was at best an embryo when Jesuhovah shut the door to the annointed.
Gerrit Losh-- 1941-- Ovum in 1935
David Splane-- 1944-- Ovum in 1935
Steve Lett-- 1949! for christ's sake-- Ovum in a prepubescent girl in 1935
Now give me a freeking break here, out of 8 - 10k annointed these are the oldest qualified guys they could find?
If these last three guys were in my hall and were claiming to be annointed, we'd be like: "yaaaa sure you are, ok what ever" But now they have the highest possition in the org?
What's wrong with this picture? Think lurkers, think.