If you weren't known to the local congregation and had a list of dubs home addresses in your area, would you go reverse witnessing door to door?
Back in the field
by mtbatoon 20 Replies latest jw friends
Hell no....
I treat others the way I want to be treated.... or not treated.
u/d ( of the mind my own business class)
No. Their minds are made up, let's not confuse them with the facts.
I know all the dubs in my area but that wouldn't stop me. What stops me is the fact that they are all, without exception, pompous assholes, and none of them are worth a single minute of my time. I can't think of a single one that I like enough to try to help.
To go "reverse Witnessing" would hurt us, the apostates, more than the Witnesses. It just makes us look crazier and makes them look better for turning us in...
It is an interesting idea...but they would label you as an apostate, and never open the door..word would spread quick, and you'd be considered as a crazy person to the dubs.
We used to have way back in the eighties, a guy who was "crazy" and would stuff apostate lititure in the gas cap doors of the cars in the kindom hall. People knew who it was.
It seems that the dubs care more about who is doing it, and that they are crazy, and that they would never listen to a crazy person, or read his litature. It truely would be the reverse of the dubs activity, cause just as the "world" does not listen, neither would the dubs themselves.....ah, the irony!
I have learned to much this past month about all the crap that goes on behind closed doors in the JW world that I am getting to the point where I think I would really enjoy marching around at a convention. I would wear a big sandwich board that reads "The Watchtower Society is a Snare and a Racket."
I read some stuff on Silent Lambs this morning that really made me depressed. About all the wives and kids who get beat up by their husbands, and members of the congregation are told to turn away. IT JUST MAKES ME ILL!!!!!
I read some stuff on Silent Lambs this morning that really made me depressed. About all the wives and kids who get beat up by their husbands, and members of the congregation are told to turn away. IT JUST MAKES ME ILL!!!!!
That is one of the final straws that broke my JW back. Dh and I were in the cong that I grew up in. I had two little girls and was frustrated that they wouldn't sit still during the meeting and brought this up at our sheperding call. Background: This was the PO who was also the PO when I was growing up. He knew all about my father beating my sisters and I and my mom (who would use cover-up to *try* and cover up the bruises) and never did a thing. So he says to dh and I "I always used the wooden spoon on my boys and that always worked." I remember sitting in my bed at night listening to my parent's fight and hearing the cracks and praying desperately for an elder to step in...
I remember sitting in my bed at night listening to my parent's fight and hearing the cracks and praying desperately for an elder to step in...
This brings back memories...
I agree with you. It would make us look crazier than the JWs. Besides, people in general are not interested in religion and they absolutely hate being called on at their doors. What I do believe is more useful is somebody leaving something on the cars parked at assembly hall parking lots. At least then you are targeting JWs.