Would you share a winning lottery ticket???..help please

by morty 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    Thank you for all of your input on my situation...It has really bothered me a lot today....

    My brother is apparently coming over tomorrow in the afternoon with my mom so we are going to have a chat....

    According to my mom, he is still bothered by the fact that I did not give him half of the money....

    I explained the situation in full to her and she is in agreement with me as well and was going to talk to him before he got here...( Fer christ sakes, it not like we are 10 years old and we need our mommy still).....( He is the baby of the family and does nothing wrong in my mom?s eyes)

    I do have an idea though why he figures he should have gotten half of the money

    ....Last week when I won my tickets to my concert, my other brother(older) was given a ticket ( 4 in total...one ticket for each day) by me to go to the concert because he was also with me when we filled out the ballots ...My brother(older) that was with me at that time also filled a ballot out because he bought a lamp.( We got a ballot if we purchased something from the store) We both told each other that if one or the other won, we would give the other a ticket for the concert...I ended up winning the concert tickets so I offered a ticket to my brother(older) the other day...

    My hunch is that he( younger brother) figures because I gave our brother a ticket to the concert for no reason other then he was with me, then he just thinks I should have shared the lottery ticket with him...( My younger brother asked for a concert ticket as well but, I told him that I did not know who I was taking yet to the concert but if I ended up having an extra one, I would take him as well...I believe he thinks that I just gave my older brother a ticket for no reason and he got shafted .....

    ( God, I hope this is making sense to you all with all the separate brothers...)

    I could be totally wrong, but we will find out tomorrow...I will just flat out ask him if he is pissed that I gave brother number #1 a concert ticket and not him....

    Sheeeese, money can do funny things to a family...it?s not like I won millions for god?s sake....

    I will answer more tomorrow on your individual questions as I am tired and going off to bed shortly here and would like to address some of your points......

    BTW, whom ever said that my brother was pig, he is not a pig....A spoiled brat maybe, but not a pig....I also believe you apologized for saying it, and I accept your apology..


    Thanks again...

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