I have been studying your faith and I understand that you believe in the Bible? With this understanding, I have a few questions, particularly about the book of Revelation (which I love!). I hope you will not mind answering these questions for me? 1. In Revelation 1:8, it says, ??I am the Alpha and the Omega,? says the Lord God, ?who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.?? My question is, who is speaking here? I assume the answer is that the one speaking is the Lord God, Jehovah God? 2. In Revelation 21:5-7, it says, ?He who was seated on the throne said, ?I am making everything new!? Then he said, ?Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.? He said to me, ?It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.?? My question is, am I correct to assume that here again we see the identification that Alpha and Omega is Jehovah God? 3. In Revelation 22:13, it says, ?I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.? My question is, am I correct to assume, again, that this refers to Jehovah God? 4. In Revelation 1:17, it says, ?When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said, ?Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last.? My question is, am I correct to assume, again, that the First and the Last is the Alpha and Omega, Jehovah God? Thank you.
I'm searching for answers....
by nedryerson 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Welcome to the forum.
This site is mainly full of ex-JWs but I'm sure a few people here may be able to answer some of your questions. -
Hi, nerdy. If you are trying to draw some JWs into a 'discussion' wrong place. We are a variety of people who either used to be JWs, married to JWs, were married to JWs, still attend but are mentally divorced from the Watchtower organization, or people like yourself, never been a JW but interested in their beliefs.
We can tell you what the official JW stance is on those things but we all have different opinions and beliefs now.
BTW, is this a trinity discussion?
Oh my god!! Are you saying that the trinity is right? My belief system is shattered; I feel as if I'm in FOG. Please say it isn't so.
And please do so with some paragraphs next time.
Doubtfully Yours
Or, if you've been studying with a particular JW, ask those questions to him/her.
Hey Ned,
There's a thread on trinity/non-trinity that's currently active, I'm sure your views would be appreciated. There are many faiths represented here, even some currently-active Jehovah's Witnesses. But most of us are firmly in the ex-JW column.
The trinity thread is here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/89313/1.ashx
Thanks for trying to save us from the Watchtower! (If that's what you're doing) The effort is appreciated!
BTW, I *love* Ground Hog Day, and the bits with Ned Ryerson are hiliarious.
Welcome Nedry.
Revelation was written by some guy in the desert who was tripping out on magic mushrooms.
Ned, I have to agree with the others here, it does appear that you are looking for a "discussion". However I feel u are preaching to the already converted. The majority of those here dont feel that the WTS teaches the correct doctrine of god. A careful reading of the the first passage selected and a quick cross reference between the NWT and KJV shows that these verses not only are now confusing in the NWT but also change the person who is actually speaking from Jesus christ to God the father. Interesting but like i already said, your preaching to the already converted. There are thousands of these examples through out the NWT but arguing over and debating these is not worth the time or energy, it can be better spent in more spirit enhancing activities. thanks. LB
Gongratulations! You are the 1,000,000th poster who tries to start a discussion without the slightest clue of what this board is about.
Go RTFM... or the F**king posts...
Other than that... welcome...