JW Video Game

by RichieRich 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    You know friends, as we struggle to stay strong in the truth , there are so many things that can potentially cause us to slow down or stop serving Jehovah. One of these is video games. It is hard for those with a Bible trained conscience to do decide what games are for them and what games aren't. It is with great pleasure that we present to you:


    Not trying to steal JH's position as the master of photshop, but i got some tricks up my sleeve too.

  • lilbit


  • jeanniebeanz

    I hate to tell you this, but even with heavy price protection, that sucker is going to be down to $4.99 per unit in about two weeks.

    QA alone would sink you on the project and I wouldn't spend more than $50,000 on the marketing budget which is going to mean a strictly in store campaign.


    Who greenlit this game anyhow? I want Butts!!!


  • iiz2cool

    Hey Richie,

    You could make a bundle of $$$ from both JWs and "Apostates" if you created a game like that. Imagine the fun we could have on a rainy day, playing a game where we could go on search and destroy missions, attacking pioneers with silentlambs flyers, tomatos, and rocket launchers!

    Extra points for nuking a CO.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Very cool! Well done!

    You know, I honestly did start work on a JW video game when I was still a faithful dub. It never got beyond planning, unfortunately. You started as an elder, planning each week of your activity. You had to spend time with your family, time in meetings, study, field service. If any of that lacked, you could get deleted. You also needed to encourage the "flock", based on their field service time and meeting attendance. If the overall "health" of the congregation went down, the CO would come after you. I intended to take it to the next level, where if you managed the congregation well for few years, you could become a CO and start keeping entire circuits "active".

    At the time Gina warned me that some people may not like the idea of making a game out of such important spiritual matters. Hee Hee! I should remind her of that.


  • RichieRich

    I forgot the picture from the release at the last convention!


  • MerryMagdalene

    Nicely done, you! Stay creative...


  • Mastodon

    Too bad you won't make any money off of it... being that you have to develope it on a voluntary basis

  • jula71

    Wonder if Rich could count the time??

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    how funny!

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