Just had the CO visit and a circuit assembly and the big push is on to do business territory and street witnessing and less door to door. We've been encouraged to "go where the people are!" Which brings me to a funny coincidence. The other day I was taking my yoga class (which I'm hiding so that I won't be df'd) ) and I'm working out by the window and I happen to look out the window and see a sister from my hall entering the building to do business territory. I quickly grabbed my towel and wiped my face. Whew...that was close.
A funny thing happened to me the other day.
by TweetieBird 12 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, and enlightened CO.... I have always wondered for YEARS AND YEARS...why they don't go out on nights and do biz territory.
Sad that you have to worry about some snoop turning you in for a simple physical activity they should have no biz in knowing about. -
The other day I was taking my yoga class (which I'm hiding so that I won't be df'd)
Can you imagine telling someone you got df'd for yoga? What control freaks.
yeah heard this one bout a month ago at a c.a.
co was saying if we go out in morning and then go to lunch 12-1:30 then so does everyone else..why not carry on and get them at their lunch....i turned to my sis and said why dont you have c.o. for dinner next time he visits cong and when he arrives for lunch tell him keep your coat on we're going out in fs
Whew, Tweetie!
Actually, for years the WTS has been pushing business territory and street witnessing, witnessing at bus stops, train stations, quietly at the maills (illegal). But the rank and file will have none of it. Only a few brave it. They want to do the pioneer shuffle, ghost knocking at the doors, leaving mags in laundromats, sucking up coffee during hour long breaks.
co was saying if we go out in morning and then go to lunch 12-1:30 then so does everyone else..why not carry on and get them at their lunch....i turned to my sis and said why dont you have c.o. for dinner next time he visits cong and when he arrives for lunch tell him keep your coat on we're going out in fs
LMAO!!! I can just see that!
Although we once had a C.O. who had car-groups work until 1pm, lunch was at the hall from 1:15 till 1:45, then the afternoon F.S. meeting was at 1:45. He also would conduct a meeting for F.S. one evening a week at 6:30pm. He wouldn't put more than 4 people in a cargroup because "why have a bunch of people sitting around in a car if only two are going to a door." It was all about being out in the territory where and when you could find the people. He would get out of the car and talk to people walking on the sidewalk, and he'd stop at parking lots and approach people walking to their cars. As I recall, he didn't last long. Don't know what happened to him, can't even remember the guy's name. We only had him once or twice. It was weird.
The old guard probably got mad cause he showed them up. I had this argument many times when I was still active. I'd say to this elder...my 3 hours on a Wednesday night I bet I talk to more people than pioneers do all week. WHY PUT THE EMPHASIS ON PIONEERING during the day when no one is home. He said that Jehoba would guide us to those that need us and when people were at home sice and whatnot.
Course I said well why don't we just drive down the street then and let God guide us instead of checking out little territory maps. Needless to say he didn't like his circular logic pointed out. -
As usual, the WTS speaks out both sides of its mouth on this one. On the one hand, there have been plenty of WT and KM articles about 'going where the people are', etc. On the other hand, at one of the pioneer seminars a couple of years back, the WTS sent out the message that "the door-to-door work is still our primary method of preaching, because that is how we obtain return visits and bible studies."
The other problem is that the WTS is still organized around the old door-to-door model. Congregation territory assignments are based on the number of homes, not the number of businesses or streetwork venues. If a congregation does not knock on all its doors in six months to a year, the elders will be in trouble when the CO visits. And because pioneers have an hour requirement, they go out during the day when they can get eight hours in a cargroup, rather than spend a much more productive evening but only get to count two hours.
If the WTS were really serious about 'alternative witnessing', they would need to make major organizational changes. Instead, they publish an article every now and then, and then complain that the micro-managed flock isn't showing any initiative.
I will say this... On the Wednesday nights we used to go out in the summer...there was a core group of us that were "more liberal" Jo Ho's since we all had lots of work, school, and other daytime commitments. I actually enjoyed this since there was about 6 or 7 of us that always had a good time and the 1 or 2 elders that would rotate on going out. I never saw more smiles at a group meeting because it was so relaxed, informal, and "normal". People talking about their day, how they felt, you know...being human. Then afterwards instead of lunch or break, we'd spend 2 to 3 hours in service then go to the pub and have a beer or two and call it a night. Much happier and productive. Usually I would talk to 10 people. At least a couple of people that were very interested and wanted to talk.
evil force, you went to the pub after f.s.??? that was normal? i took the group to macdonalds and was reprimanded. so much for unity! lol