"nobody else talking about the end of the world"
this simply isn't true. There are other religions that believe we are in the "Last Days" and preach about it. For example, the Christadelphians, the Church of God, Russellites (yep, they're still around) and a host of other religions that teach that Armageddon is nigh.
and that "the door to door work the JWs perform is the best way to preach."
Acutally, it's not and there is not one single scripture that indicates that Jesus OR his disciples ever preached to people going door to door. The one scripture they use in Acts 20:20 that says: "..I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you publicly and from house to house.." "proving" that the disciples preached this way is a very slanted interpretation of the scriptures.
When Christianity first started out, there were very few wealthy benefactors, as most of the converts were "simple people" who didn't have alot of money. Seeing as there were not the funds to build a public place of worship, they held meetings in Christian's homes on a rotating basis (what would be equivalent to our Bookstudies). In other words, one week it would be at Judah's home, the next week they would meet at Luke's home, the next week, at John's home, etc. etc. This is what virutally all scholars interpret the phrase "house to house" as meaning---a place where Christians held their meetings, not as a method of preaching.
But even if they had gone door to door preaching, that's still no indication that it's the "best way" to preach in today's world. 2,000 years ago, the only way you could get a copy of the Talmud was to painstakingly copy it manually word for word from a previous text, yet no one today would be insane enough to suggest that that's the most effective way of copying a text in the 21st century. So why does the WTS insist on using a method of preaching that almost certainly wasn't even used 2,000 years ago?
One simple word: control.
he also added, that: "... even though the response does not appear to be great in terms of time spent vs converts to the faith - the work is still relevant, due to a warning message being given to all nations."
Ya right. So what about all the Witnesses who preached this same warning message to the nations back in the 1920s or earlier? Virtually all of the Witnesses who did the preaching and the "nations" to whom they gave their warning message, are all dead and buried. So how relevant was this preaching work? Not relevant at all. All these people died no differently than if the Witnesses had never come around.