TV Viewing Habits

by Seven 10 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Seven

    Interviewer:Has watching TV affected you?
    Wyant:Yes. Sometimes when I'm around people, I find myself just watching them-as if I was watching a TV talk show-instead of participating in the conversation. I wish I could relate better to people.
    Interviewer:Well, you've done just fine in this conversation. Obviously you've overcome your addiction.
    Wyant:I started breaking away from TV after
    I entered high school...I sought out the association of Witness youths and started to make spirtiual progress.
    Interviewer:But what did this have to do with your TV viewing?
    Wyant:As my apprecitation for spiritual things grew, I realized that many of the shows I used to watch weren't for Christians. Too, I felt the need to do more study of the Bible and to prepare for Christian meetings. That meant cutting
    out most of the TV viewing. It wasn't easy, though, I used to love those Saturday-morning cartoons. But then a Christian brother in the congregation invited me to go with him in the door-to-door preaching work on Saturday morning. That broke my Saturday morning TV habit. So eventually I learned really to tone down my TV watching.
    Interviewer:What about today?
    Wyant:Well, I still have the problem if the TV is on, I cannot get anything done. So I leave it off most of the time. In fact, my TV broke down a few months ago and I haven't bothered
    to get it fixed.
    And if you find you lack the self-control to turn off harmful shows, it is good to remember the words of the apostle Paul: "I am not going to let anything make me its slave."(1Cor. 6:12) All was taken from the Young People Askbook, pages

  • Pathofthorns
    It wasn't easy, though, I used to love those Saturday-morning cartoons.

    You love that book don't you 7? LOL


  • Seven

    Path, Love it so much I laminated the cover.It's full of answers that really work.

  • Zep

    I use to have that book a long time ago.I remember one article where it was telling you not to associate with worldies or gangs etc at school and there was this photo of all this punk angry lookings wordlies with one holding a knife up to someone...The knife, when you looked closely was just a Stanley knife, the ones you cut cardboard with.....obviously the prop guys couldn't find a switch just looked a little silly to me!

    Howz about on the back of Fe8 2000 Awake...theres an ad for YPO.These are the best things about the WT and Awake because they are so over the top.

    Maria:"While i read this book, TEARS of THANKFULNESS rolled down my cheeks"

    It make mes cry too, tears of laughfter!

    "It felt as if a veil had been taken off my eyes...This book is the best one i have read in my ENTIRE LIFE"

    Geez it must be good huh!

  • RedhorseWoman
    "I am not going to let anything make me its slave."


  • Kristen

    LOL! I remember the day they released that book at the distict assembly. They had all of the youth sit in a special section - just like they did way back when they released that book titled "Children" in the olden days. That was the first assembly session I didn't have to sit outside in the hot sun with my parents!

    And how much more respected you were when you would start a conversation out with "Well, the YPA book says...." Blah blah blah blah!

    who learned about womanly hygene from the red Youth book

  • Pathofthorns
    The knife, when you looked closely was just a Stanley knife, the ones you cut cardboard with.....obviously the prop guys couldn't find a switch just looked a little silly to me!

    ha ha zep. I remember that too. PS. Love your use of "worldlies". That always cracks me up.

    LOL! I remember the day they released that book at the distict assembly. They had all of the youth sit in a special section - just like they did way back when they released that book titled "Children" in the olden days.

    I almost forgot about that Kristen. I think I still have that "special edition" with the note from the Governing Body in it. Probably a nice trip down memory lane for the guys like you said with the book Children.

    I sure was "thrilled" to get my copy. (who uses that word anyway?) I think everyone skipped over to the sex section just to see what they had to say.

    Never mind the chapters about the big "M". lol


  • m2u

    I've never heard of that book.
    I've been "out" since 1980, Was I just not paying attention ? (again)
    or was it published later on.
    Sounds good. I'll try to get my hands on a copy.


  • Simon

    I remember the separate section at the assembly when it was released but I can't remember sitting in it.
    Maybe I was too young (unlikeley) or just couldn't be bothered moving seats (most probably).

  • Prisca

    You would've been just a few yrs too old, Simon. They asked for youths aged between 12 and 18 to sit in the seats.

    I missed out by one year!

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