May I ask a few questions? I'm sure some have already been asked, and some are not meant to be hurtful, I just don't understand. Backround- I am not jw, in fact quite anti jw, husband has been studying for about two years, not baptized, not field service, I know doctine quite well, flipflops, UN, new 1914, etc........
Do any of you feel 'guilty' for getting someone 'in'? (in my case, when they came, they asked if husband "couldn't get out of the house without the wife knowing". Now if that is not a red flag what is ?
If you didn't have any friends or family 'in', what would keep you? fear of the big A?
He claims jw's do not think of the rest of us a 'birdseed' ( I realize that is an old term) or that the rest of us are not 'worthy' of death, but literature says otherwise, what is current thought on us 'worldly' people? Even your own children?
If it is the truth, why such fear at looking at anything not sactioned by the wt? The Bereans were comended for 'searching', etc..
Why would any active jw be on this board? Isn't that a big no-no?
Thanks for your thoughts ahead of time. Carla