Since the Watchtower constantly "adjusts", were you ever unsure as to whether or not you MIGHT have committed a "sin"? Were you under the impression that "porneia" or "fornication" was something you did NOT commit----only to find out that by the "Bible's" definition, you DID commit this "sin"? Or perhaps you THOUGHT that you "lied"-----but realized that you were only employing "theocratic warfare" or "theocratic strategy"?
Were You Ever Confused As To Whether You Actually Committed A "Sin"?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sure the society wants their members to be confused about whether or not they sinned. This confusion keeps people running to the elders and spilling their guts about personal things they are confused about. It is an aid to maintaining control over people.
I was the closest thing to perfection, I never sinned But I could never for the life of me understand that UNFORGIVEABLE SIN---------------------SINNING AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck is that-----------I was raised catholic in the early days, we had venial sin (small-2 our father prayers worth) then there was mortal sin which was the THE BIG BAD SINS (10 our father prayers and 5 hail mary's) my point is you knew right from the get go what kind of sin it was................but with WT. it is all a guessing game, when my sister-inlaw was DFed, we were told she commited the UNFORGIVEABLE SIN--------------what the hell is that------she screwed around with a brother---------how is this the sinning against the holy spirit?????????????? They can make things up as they go along to always keep you questioning the way she got reinstated 6 months later, so maybe it wasn't the unforgiveable sin after all.
I've been involved in having a person express that they needed to talk to me about some sexual matter with a person of the opposite sex. The person did not have vaginal intercourse but did have oral sex. He was quite proud that he didn't go all the way. But he was still guilty (per the eldef handbook) of "porneia" or "fornication". Here he was thinking that he was not fornicating but in JW speak he was.
Shania, maybe it was the unforgivable sin to her husband.
Imagine being reproved for having oral sex with your mate because you were "repentant" only to realize that it wasn't a "judicial sin" after all.
Country Girl
In the early days of the JW's, or at some time in the recent past, it was NOT considered PORNEIA if you had sex with someone of the same sex, or an animal. So women whose husband had sex with another man, they couldnt divorce them "legally" until just recently.
As far as "porneia" in a marriage, it's always been a confusing thing. You could do anal/oral as long as you didn't PROMOTE it. Kind of a "don't look, don't tell" kind of thing. As long as you weren't going around the congregation promoting this disgusting abbheration, you could do it. As usual, it's up to the local elders.
It kind of makes me wierded out that people are so upset that will tell the Elders ANYTHING, when really, it's not their RIGHT to KNOW!
I remember worrying if I would get into trouble for accepting a tetanus shot in the emergency room after I was injured in the eye.
The 10 Year tetanus shot is not derived from blood, but it takes a long time to take effect. Because I could not remember if I had a tetanus shot in the previous ten years they gave me the short-term quick acting one... which is derived from blood (horses I think).
Witnesses were all in a tizzy, too----because they were afraid they had sinned and eaten chocolate bars that might've contained blood.
We are all sinners.
My conscience is pretty elastic, and God forgives.