Happy Birthday Heckler... and good luck with your Karate.....
I finally did it...
by Hecklerboy 20 Replies latest jw friends
To my friend Hecklerboy who lives by the largest speed trap in the US .............WVA Rt 19..............
Hey dude.........congrats on the karate lessons. Enjoy it ......it is good discipline and also good for the body.
Got my new comfy seat for my TREK by the way........thanks for the advice. I can now ride in comfort (almost like sitting on a padded toilet seat)
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. Hard to believe I'm 35 today. I still feel like I'm only 27. They say you only as old as you think you are, so I guess I'm doing OK.
Way to go! I wished I'd done the same years ago. Now that my hair is half gray......nobody will prolly mess with me anyhow. I'm thinkin of gettin a taser gun.......case any bastards try and get shitty with me though, cuz it's easier than throwing a roundhouse on their arse
Well now don't you come running to us when you start having demunz in your house...cause you are opening yourself up to all sorts of dark stuff like that.
Next thing you know you'll be throwing the emperor down the lightning well young Vader!!! -
Carry on Grasshoper
"Don't you go dyin' on me now"
For about a year now I have been taking lessons in Yawara, a Phillipino fighting style that implores the use of blunt weapons to do damage and to force an opponent into submission. I have a 2nd degree brown belt... But I'm going out for the first degree very soon... And no- its not religous. Not one damn bit.
Good for you! I have taken martial arts for 16 years now, and yes, most of it is completely different than what the WTS teaches, and what many witnesses believe.
There is much benefit to the arts, and I encourage all who have an interest to try it.
Go for it, I did Shotokan style for several years until forced to quit by injury. I still miss it, enjoy!
jt stumbler
Happy B-day. Be careful. While stretching one day, I blew out a dbl hernia. Very painful.