Anyone know of Anti-jw tracts that can be downloaded?

by AK - Jeff 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Looking for simple messages that will appeal to locals in anti-witness campaign. Or if not downloadable ones - how about tracts that can be ordered from the publisher.

    Not wanting complicated or pro-Christian ones, just something simple to make people not show interest in the 'Truth'.



  • AlmostAtheist

    Sounds like a great idea. bttt

  • TooOpinionated

    I'd like to have this information, too.

  • rebel8

    Visit my web site and see if it meets your needs. Click here. It is a general overview of what's wrong with jws.

    You could do a copy and paste into word processing and reformat it to meet your needs. I would recommend using only portions of it to shorten it up, and typing out the links so people can verify it for themselves.

    I was initially planning on putting it in downloadable format, but I can't figure out how to do that.

  • logansrun

    Crazy. Stuff like this only makes JWs more determined than ever to keep the faith. "Anti-witness campaigns" sound all to much like some Rutherfordian tactic just from the opposite point of view.

    Individual Witnesses are in no real harm, and some of them might live better lives if they just stay right where they are. Those that want out will find that road on their own. That's what I did.


  • logansrun

    Oh, and if the "campaign" is directed towards the general public all I have to say is this: It's unnecessary. Most people already view JWs as pretty nutty or a nuisance. Those from the public that do convert -- primarily the down-and-out or mentally ill -- might actually benefit from an authoritarian belief system and sense of community, however false it might appear to the better informed.


  • AlmostAtheist
    Crazy. Stuff like this only makes JWs more determined than ever to keep the faith.

    I would love to help other JW's escape, but I think you're right about their attitude. It was certainly my attitude when our own DanTheMan tried to help me out of the cult before I was ready.

    I am more interested in educating non-JW's about the Watchtower so they and their families don't get sucked into it unawares. When I was reading the comments on the various forums that picked up my JW Quiz, I found many saying things like, "I never realized they were so controlling" or "sounds like a cult to me". Now when JW's come to their door, they'll know to turn them away, or at least go in with their eyes open.

    Prevention rather than cure.

    Still not something I'd devote a significant amount of time to though, don't look for me going to door-to-door ever again! :-)


  • logansrun

    Again, do you honestly see a lot of families joining the ranks of the evil, heinous Watchtower? I don't. The ones that do could probably use some religion in their life, the more structured the better. Sure, I'd point them to the Mormons since they seem to do more for their people, but the JWs do have an appeal to certain sections of the community, especially those from lower socio-economic strata and those whose lives are out of control due to drugs, drink or generally awful personalities.


  • rebel8

    I personally would have responded well to someone helping me out. Having zero help or support delayed my leaving.

    My opinion on anti-witnessing is 50% for and 50% against. I use the internet because I figure people who find my site are looking for it. An audience who is looking for your message is already half convinced. Paper and media campaigns do have some pros, but they have some cons as well. I admire anyone who has the guts to do them.

  • AlmostAtheist
    Again, do you honestly see a lot of families joining the ranks of the evil, heinous Watchtower?

    No. Left to themselves, as we well know from door-to-door work as JW's, the vast majority of people will never respond to them. And the chances that my tract or comment will fall into the hands of one of the tiny minority of people that is considering joining are very low.

    You raise a good point.


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