Let's see how much fun we can have with this one:
Yet another caption contest
by bboyneko 15 Replies latest jw friends
Big Jim
I am so happy the Society has changed its view on trick or treating.
You can do it as long as you place magazines at the same time. -
"Really, lady, we offer everyone the chance to be part of a worldwide brotherhood of love and harmony."
My little brother was being babysat by my girlfriend, and one of his writing assignments was to write about his favirote gholiday. My girlfriend, realizing his JW indoctrinations (he's only 8 years old) simply told him that he could replace it with a favirote day, like saturday, or say, which holiday he would like best if he could celebrate it. (she is against JW too and is pretty good at tricking JW's into admiting things they otherwise wouldn't)
and the lil' guy said that if he could celebrate it his favirote holiday would be halloween... :( :(
Made me cry when I heard that. I wish I could take him out trick or treatin' some day.
Really ma'am, the outfit is FREE with your donation.
You have GOT to be kidding. I used to be part of the Borg. Do you want to see my scars?
Pardon me, Ma'am, Do you know the meaning of the Lord's Prayer?
Is that ginger haired creature non other than Lady Sarah Ferguson, otherwise known as "Fergie"?
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.
woman:"I'm busy"
borg:"Busy is irrelovent"
woman:"Well then, I'm not interested"
borg:"interest is irrelovent"
woman:"I have my own religion"
borg:"religion is irrelovent"
borg:"You will lower your shields, and submit to a free home bible study. Resistance is futile."
woman:"But I don't want a bible study"
borg:"Why do you resist? We bring order to chaos. We will add your biological and theological distinctivness to our own."
borg:"You will adapt to the ways of the Watchtower."ok ok so I'm just rambling now and it isn't even that funny. I'll quit while I'm ahead.
You shulda stopped at the lower your shields one, that was the best one!