What Was Your Behavior Like Just Before You Left "The Truth"?

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I believe that when people leave because of doctrines and facts, they will never go back. Emotional issues like not feeling loved or having issues with the elders could be resolvable to some.

  • btafly

    I started sitting in the library for all of the meetings so that I could at least people watch and make the time go by faster. I started turning in 1 hr a month for field service..(I put all the moments together when I would point to the trees or to an animal and tell my daughter that Jehovah made those things..That was my hour in service for the month.) That's when the phone calls from my presiding overseer started. I ignored about 3 calls in a row and at the next meeting, he asked if i had gotten his messages. I said yes and kept walking. It was pretty much downhill from there. Got df'd about 2 months later. I hear that everyone was shocked. Isn't that funny? I had a funky attitude for like, a year, showed up at every other meeting if that, and never went in service anymore, but yet everyone was shocked. I guess it still amazes all of the dubs that someone would want to leave the "spiritual paradise". Vomit.

  • zamzummim

    I went out with a bit of a bang.

    I had just given my first Sunday public talk, was a MS, and was to begin Regular Pioneering on Sept 1st. On August 31st, I ran off with a newly baptized woman, left my pioneer card, the key to the KH and my house key on the dresser in my house with a note to my wife.

    Definitely not the best way to end a 5 year marriage, and I'm not proud of how badly I hurt my ex-wife. However, after being out 15 years, I can look back and say, "at least I'm out".

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    wow! Zamzumin

    you really did go out with a BANG!

    sounds like it would make a great ABC movie of the week.....

  • minimus

    Some of these accounts are funny. Not a clue to anyone!

  • LittleToe

    Just before?

    My parents and wife knew I was dissatisfied, for about a month before, but that was about all.
    I even did my route calls on my own, the day before, warning the householders that I wouldn't be back and why. I was Secretary, at the time, and even sent off the previous months report (it was January 6th).

    When I DA'ed from the platform there was pretty much every emotion expressed in the cong., but mainly shock.

  • JohnnyMarr

    Once I was out and on my own I had to work very hard to make a decent living. Attending college was looked down on back then and I wasn't about to wash windows and kiss the PO's ass like a lot of my friends. I mainly worked all of the time and when I had free time , I either spent it at home relaxing, or hanging out with my gf, who at the time was a pioneer. I had no interest in field service or sitting in a boring ass meeting during the little spare time I had. In due time my gf dumped me because her parents thought I was a loser and I started seeing this non witness chick in another state. The phone calls and unannounced shepharding calls started after that. I pretty much told the elders that I was sick of trying to play the "are you good enough for our daughter" game with all of these young sisters parents and that I was dating out of the truth. They told me I was unacceptable marriage material because I was spiritually weak. Deep down inside I was never "in the truth" to begin with. It was more or less a hangout. The hangout got old and tired and I left. No big change in attitude or anything like that. I simply outgrew the whole scene.

  • love11

    Most people were shocked. At least the ones that REALLY knew me were shocked.

    But I had a pioneer sister that asked me tons of questions one day about dating and what I thought about that. I think she was a spy for them.

    The elders families wanted me disfellowshipped because their daughters would complain to their daddies that "all the boys are looking at her and how come she gets to date when I can't". Hey, I can't help it that my genetics made me petite and their's made them look like hairy apes. I used to be so nice to those girls until I found out they all secretly hated me. The funny thing was- not one of those boys made me hot and I was still a virgin and the elders daughters weren't. Isn't that for ironic. But I guess to them, anyone that wears a skirt at the knee instead of below the knee is a slu*. Oh and also anyone born naturally somewhat attractive is a slu* too. What a joke!

    My sister was so shocked, she ended up getting disfellowshipped for disagreeing with them about my disfellowshipping!! Isn't that a hoot!

  • Bas

    These are FASCINATING stories, Littletoe from the platform you rule!!!

  • blondie

    I'm sure some would say they saw it coming; hard to believe because I didn't. I just faded. Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.

    Others know why and would do the same if it weren't for family ties.

    This is not the first tme I have been inactive though it was many years after the first one. I have learned one thing, no pearls before swine. I don't have to explain myself to any humans.

    Blondie (like the Cheshire Cat)

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