guys and gals try this one on....i just found out that our local congertion...sold the old hall...with all its the local catholic church to become a school.for preist.....i had thought the WTBS was to have no dealings with babylon the great....Donald
just found out....
by donald 23 Replies latest jw friends
Well donald ,it seems you can sell them for money ,you just can't go in them cause of demons.
Lady Lee
for some odd reason a lot of halls seem to be sold to other churches. I know the one I went to was sold and is still udes by another church.
I think the idea is that they don't care what happens to the building as long as they get the $$$$$
i just found out that our local congertion...sold the old hall...with all its the local catholic church to become a school.for preist..
You're kidding?! I guess when the Almighty
DollarGod gives the command, it's perfectly alright to wheel n' deal with Babylon-de-Gweat. Funny though, my sister was told years ago that she would have to give up her parking spot downtown (which was very close to where she worked), because she was paying the Catholic Church $$ to park there each month. This evidently displeased Jehovah, who apparently has nothing else to worry about except where Witnesses park their cars each day. The whole thing was ridiculous. After all, this isn't unusual---alot of churches rent out their parking spots to employess working downtown. Anyway, she foolishly listened to the elders and ended up having to park 1/2 a mile away from work, just so that those damn Catholics didn't get her $25.00/month. -
Wonder if they sold the Theocratic School's roster to the church too? No honor among thieves..
Our old Kingdom Hall was also sold to a Church of evil Christendom. It's "funny" isn't it that an individual JW can't sell Christmas trees( when they are just still trees) or join the YMCA but the holy Watchtower Society can sell buildings to organizations which will use it to practice "false religion" and mislead millions into destruction at the big "A". What hypocrites!!!! When it's their money conscience is no issue but if it is a rank & file JW then it's a big deal where some have lost jobs over things of much less importance than providing churches for the DEVIL and his followers. Just more proof of the LIE which calls itself "the Truth".
sweet tee
So it's alright to sell to Babylon the Great but it's not alright to show at the Salvation Army. Woe to you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites!
.....hypocrisy has a (very low) price ...don't you know...
My old hall was sold to a Pentecost Religious group. A brother who lives next door donated the land the building sits upon. The meetings were broadcast over a special wiring to this brother so that he and his sickly wife would not miss any of them. After the property was sold I asked this brother (he..he..he..) how he was enjoying the meetings in their new format.