Has Anyone Heard of the Amazing Facts

by Shawn 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Shawn

    I had a woman come to my door today that I thought was a JW. It was wierd she was by herself but I didn't think twice. She started asking me questions about faith and I asked her if she was affiliated with the JWs. She said no. She handed me a little booklet and asked if I was interested in a Bible Study. I said sure and made an appoitment for 5:30 tomorrow.

    Anyone heard of these people?

  • kls

    They maybe called ,CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD, or something similier to that . If they are they are very similier to jws ,( becareful)

  • kls

    They maybe called ,CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD, or something similier to that . If they are they are very similier to jws ,( becareful)

  • Shawn

    I searched online and they appear to be a multi-denominational Christian ministry focusing on science/prophecy. They are based in Northern California with another location in Canada. I just sent them an email asking for more info. It would be cool if this was a true christian group going door to door. I would join in a heartbeat. It appears to be very well organized. I will keep everyone updated. Their address is : www.amazingfacts.org

  • Shawn

    Here is the response I got:

    Thank you for contacting us at Amazing Facts.
    No we are not Jehovah Witness or Later Day Saints.

    Amazing Facts is a non-profit religious ministry that doesn't
    receive subsidy funding from any denomination. Of course,
    we do have convictions regarding Bible truth and each have
    churches that we attend of which we are very proud. We
    try to keep this out of the picture since we seek to reach
    people of all faiths. Our goal is not to make denominational
    preferences foremost, but rather, focus on the Bible and
    allow people to come to their own conclusions and

    But, to answer your question, Amazing Facts is part of the
    Northern California Conference of Seventh Day Adventists.

    May God bless you.

    In His Service,
    Amazing Facts

    I need to brush up on 7th day Adventists.

  • kls

    Shawn ,when you said Amazing Facts i thought you ment the name of the magazine you were given ,,,,,,sorry.

    SeventhDay Adventist,yes Shawn look them up and research but i don't think this is what you are looking for.

  • z

    Another cult

  • Shawn

    After checking out mcgregorministries.com it appears they are not the right people. I will do this Bible Study anyway. Things happen for a reason.

  • kls
    After checking out mcgregorministries.com it appears they are not the right people. I will do this Bible Study anyway. Things happen for a reason

    Shawn ,just remember once you start a study with them they may not leave you alone.

    Just so you are aware

  • NewLight2


    Do not continue the 'Bible study' with these people beyond your first session. They are yet another CULT. If you want to research the 7th day Adventists, do so on the web using counter-cult web sites to do your research.

    This group is more dangerous to study with than it would be to study with a JW. The doctrine is off base, but very hard to tell right from wrong doctrine unless you know what is wrong in the first place.

    My advise to you, is to stick with your JW research and leave the 7th day Adventists CULT for later study.


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