Is your former congregation still attracting converts?
by badboy 24 Replies latest jw friends
Nope, they are "losing ground"
"They": believe they're gliding down the highway,
when in fact they're slip-sliding away". -
I went to a few meetings recently, and I noticed that the hard core is still there, and will never leave.
The weaker ones like me, go once in a while.
As for new comers, no, I don't see any
The only new faces I saw was young children who became adults, and look really different.
I just wonder how long these teen agers will stay....
In the 15 years I was in my old cong, there were 3 ppl baptized that were from actual new commers.
One had DAs
There were about 70 pubs and 3 pioneers.
This was one of the things that made my husband start questioning
Most batized are the kids
29 regular pioneers and still losing ground.....thanks to the internet...he he he.
Not from what I hear. Any new ones are people that have moved in. Even the kids aren't getting baptized. They have had several Circuit assemblies with no new baptized.
My friend tells me the meeting attendance is terrible. Sometimes there are 34 at the Thursday meeting, and maybe 40 or 50 on Sundays.
We've had 2 baptisms in the past 2 years. 1 was a child of a family, 1 was a grown man who had some family in the troof.
We have some interested ones who never seem to make a whole lota progress.
Is your former congregation still attracting converts?
You gotta be kidding........inactivity is rising faster than the price of gasoline at the pump........between people moving out and inactivity on the rise, I figure it's only a matter of time before they have to merge two Halls back into one.......the elders are freaked out and don't know what to do.....in one sense I feel sorry for them because when the CO comes, he blames the elders for low attendance, not the Borg itself.....people are tired of 5 boring meetings a week, then Service, and let's not forget studying the articles beforehand, then personal study, then a study with your kids..........it's not working anymore and alot of people are pissed off that the New System of Things----which we were assured would be here long before now----is nowhere in sight.........yes, Jehovah will speed it up in it's own time!
The only ones I noticed them converting when I was still attending were nutbag's and total down-and-outs. As more and more people catch on to the bullshit, all that will be left in the strainer will be the elite of the brainwashed. Survival of the naive'st.
The WTS has always noted that Jehovah's blessing and approval is seen in the increase of numbers. Therefore, Jehovah must be blessing other religions. Has anyone seen Charles Stanley Congregation in Atlanta Ga? They are Baptists. Or Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston Tx? Boy, these people fill out stadiums! And the numbers keep on growing.