What are some weird things that you do?

by love11 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    if ever eating sweets, like skittles, smarties or anything similar, i have to seperate them into colour groups, first i eat the odd ones until i have an equal number of each colour, i then proceed to eat them in equal numbers, i.e. 2 red, 2 yellow, 2 green, or one of each, until i get to the end... then when i get to the end and have one of each colour left (4-6 colours roughly) i eat them all at once.

    does that count?

  • kls

    Omg, after reading all these ,i is normal,,,,,,,,,hee,hee

  • IP_SEC
    Omg, after reading all these ,i is normal,,,,,,,,,hee,hee

    True monkalee sometimes it's hard to see our own weirdness, is it not?

  • Mulan

    I used to have several obsessive compulsive habits, but consciously stopped doing them. When I was a teenager I would literally get out of bed if I didn't do my situps before going to bed. I couldn't sleep even if I had said I wasn't doing it that night. That was one of my compulsions that I remember well. I would also get up and clean my room if I had left things laying around, or not hung up my clothes. Couldn't sleep until everything was tidy.

    I have a very linear (lineal?) memory and that makes me want things in order all the time. Some in my family get frustrated with me when I want things told or done in the order I see them happening.

    Clothes in the closet have to be facing the same direction. Etc. etc.

    By the way, I've gotten over that "everything has to be tidy" thing. I will tolerate a bit of clutter nowadays. Guess I'm getting old.

  • kls
    True monkalee sometimes it's hard to see our own weirdness, is it not?

    Yes Binner , i suppose so,,,,,,,hee,hee,,,,,,,,,,,i is everywhere.

  • IP_SEC

    KLS's wierd thing is she always has the last wurd. What'sa binner?

  • GetBusyLiving

    :When I get a new book, I'll open it up to the middle of the book and stick my nose in the binding for about ten seconds, and smell how the glue, ink, and fresh paper smell. AHHHH I love that smell.

    OMG, that is sooo me! I smell EVERYTHING! I'm sure I was a bloodhound in a past life.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    • when i was a kid, i was obsessed with the thought that there were invisible strings crossing all doorways. as i walked through i would "untangle" myself as i continued into the next room. i occasonally still catch myself doing this...ocassionally.
    • i love to debate in my head with people i am not crazy about. i usually choose a subject i am very confident with, and categorically destroy their positions (which i make up of course).
    • i used to feel emtionally compelled to knock on peoples doors on saturday mornings to share a bible truth with them, but i stopped doing that a while back now. way too weird. neighbors thought i was crazy!
  • indoubt

    When I watch TV or listen to the radio, the volume always has to be on an EVEN number.
    If my wife controls the volume and puts it to an odd number, I go crazy.


  • whyamihere

    When I watch TV or listen to the radio, the volume always has to be on an EVEN number. If my wife controls the volume and puts it to an odd number, I go crazy. -indoubt I am the same way with even numbers! Like my B-day I am Glad it is 12. And the year was 1980. I know I was born in July but I never say or write 7 always spell out July to hide the fact it is odd! Wow I am crazy! Brooke

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