Watchtower says you're SELFISH!!!

by zack 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • zack

    Last week's WT Study was on selfishness. Ostensibly, on living as a Christian and being self sacrificing. What they were really saying is: We KNOW you can do more, and you're not. We KNOW that you're going to college and we don't want you to. We KNOW you can pioneer and you don't. We KNOW you can donate more $$$$ and you aren't. We know you're going on vacation instead of the conventions. And because we KNOW, you are all SELFISH!!! And we are telling you YOU ARE SELFISH!!

    Nothing like beating the flock to get them motivated.

  • iiz2cool

    On the other hand, I can call the Watchtower selfish too because they don't donate their money to me.

    Who knows, if they paid me enough I might even stop berating them. But they won't pay me.

    Because they're too selfish.


  • MerryMagdalene

    It isn't just the WT...EVERYBODY says i'm selfish Get a clue, really is all about ME !!!


  • lawrence

    The brothers in Malawi weren't selfish, they died for nothing. So... that's what service is about. Sister Mahoney died in her home, half starved, without medicine, without a dime, she wasn't selfish as she sat in her home all alone in the cold. Afterall, she donated her last "mite" to the jet set G.B. Bastards!

  • Jez

    I wish they would stop TELLING people what to do and MOTIVATE them. There is a big difference.


  • frankiespeakin

    I think there are alot of JWs saying: "Where is the New System that you said was comming before the generation of 1914 ended??" And as they see that the end is not really close they are not really listening to the GB any more.

    I really feel sorry for those that take the WT seriously and are feeling guilty when they read and study this WT,, these poor souls are being clubed over the head with guilt. The GB are really selfish self serving bastards to have such BS printed.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    whenever you point a finger at someone else and say "You are so selfish" remember there are 3 fingers pointed right back at you, WTS

  • greendawn

    What exactly is the sister Mahoney story?

    That the WTS is a very selfish entity is well known that's why their followers don't really care they never saw the good example from above, no charity works for example a field where so much could be done by a fabulously rich, multi billionaire corporation. Instead they are always begging for more for themseves, not for the poor part of the loyal brotherhood.

    They don't even seem to have a concept for charitable works, do they know at all what the word means?

  • whyamihere

    Well I am having fun being Selfish! Sandy Beach Gardening Cruising Slots Shopping 2

    If that is what they think then so be it...They think and do alot of things I don't agree with being selfish is another one.


  • jeanniebeanz

    People my age are watching their parents, now in their 70's and 80's living hand to mouth having never built anything worth having because they were too busy brainwashing others into the religion. They are fortunate indeed to even have been able to pay for a house, have no retirement to take care of them save social security in the US, and we sit back and can really see the picture.

    Our parents have wasted their lives and drug us into the dead end street with them. Some people our age just cannot up and leave because to do so would mean we'd lose those of the family that still do believe, but we're getting on with life. Witnesses are now going back to college and encouraging their kids to do the same. That never used to be allowed. Now that it is mearly 'frowned on' to get a four year degree and pursue a career, people are taking the chance and doing it. Afterall, look where mom and dad are.

    On top of that, how are we going to pay for our destitute parents and grandparents without a good career. They don't have any money and senior care is outrageously expensive.

    Younger dubs are looking at the increasing burden and thinking to themselves, this is a nowhere street. Combine that with education and the Internet, and it is no surprise they are leaving or just not doing much with the 'troot'. You will have a hard time pressuring someone who does not believe it in his/her heart into doing much to promote or support it...


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