Bookstudy - Ch30 "Go On Walking In Love"

by TheListener 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheListener

    So this is the title of the chapter we'll be starting this week at bookstudy. Sounds promising eh? Well don't get excited.

    Here are some tidbits:

    par. 6

    Just imagine, a person without love is "a useless nobody" (1 cor. 13:2 - amplified bible) despite any works that he might perform!

    Subheading: What Love Is

    par. 8 "Love is Long Suffering"

    Because we are imperfect creatures serving shoulder to shoulder, it is only realistic to expect from time to time,our christian brothers may irritate us and we may do the same to them. But patience and forebearance can help us cope with the minor scrapes and scratches we sustain in our dealings with others - without disrupting the peace of the congregation.

    par. 10 "Love... rejoices with the truth"

    If for example, a loved one has been involved in a serious sin, love for Jehovah - and the erring one - will help us to hold to God's standards instead of trying to conceal, rationalize or even lie about the wrongdoing. Granted, the truth of the situation may be hard to accept. But, having the best interests of our loved one at heart we would want them to receive and respond to an expression of God's loving discipline.

    par. 11 "Love...bears all things"

    That expression literally means "all things it is covering" (kingdom interlinear). Yes, a christian who is governed by love is not eager to drag into the light of day all the imperfections and shortcomings of his christian brothers. In many cases the mistakes and faults of fellow believers are minor in nature and can be covered over by the cloak of love.

    par. 12 "Love...believes all things"

    We are not unduly suspicious of fellow believers, questioning their every motive. Love helps us to believe the best about our brothers and to trust them.* When love moves us to express such confidence in our brothers, we bring out the best in them.

    * Of course, christian love is by no means gullible. The bible exhorts us "keep your on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling..., and avoid them" (Romans 16:17)

    par. 13 "Love...hopes all things"

    Even as love is trustful, it is also hopeful. Motivated by love, we hope the best for out brothers. For example, if a brother takes a "false step before he is aware of it, " we hope that he will respond to loving efforts to readjust him. We also hold out hope that those who are weak in faith will recover. We are patient with such ones, doing what we can to help them become strong in the faith. Even if a loved one goes astray, we do not give up hope that someday he will come to his senses and return to Jehovah, like the prodigal son in Jesus' illustration

    par. 14 "Love... endures all things"

    Endurance enables us to stand firm in the face of disappointments or hardships. Tests of endurance do not come only from outside the congregation. At times, we may be tested from within. Because of imperfection, our brothers may on occasion disappoint us. A thoughtless remark may hurt our feelings. Perhaps a congregation matter is not handled as we think it should be. The conduct of a respected brother may be upsetting, causing us to wonder, 'How can a christian act like that?' When faced with such situation, will we withdraw from the congregation and stop serving Jehovah? Not if we have love! Yes, love prevents us from becoming so blinded by the failings of a brother that we can no longer see any good in him or in the congregation as a whole. Love enables us to remain faithful to God and supportive of the congregation regardless of what another imperfect human may say or do.

  • TheListener

    Just my thoughts that I didn't include above. For a study that is supposedly all about love there is a lot of counsel in there. Why can't the study really be about love and nothing else!

  • Chia

    I am so glad I don't have to go this week! Actually, my meeting would've been today. Free at last!

  • eye 23
    eye 23

    How would you show that this study is NOT showing the love that jesus spoke of and is only showing counsel from the organisation?



  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    "Love is Long Suffering"

    patience and forebearance can help us cope with the minor scrapes

    footnote - suffering refers to minor scrapes with other org members

    par. 10 "Love... rejoices with the truth"

    If for example, a loved one has been involved in a serious sin

    footnote - to be safe, facts about the org. are best considered "not truth"

    par. 11 "Love...bears all things"

    ..all the imperfections and shortcomings of his christian brothers

    footnote - ALL is inclusive only of other people in the org

    par. 12 "Love...believes all things"

    footnote - here, ALL things does not include comments contrary to our teaching, factual or not - and the general worldly meaning of ALL is referring to gullibility

    par. 13 "Love...hopes all things"

    " we hope that he will respond to loving efforts to READJUST him. We are patient with such ones

    ie. True jws are not bothered by how long they feel the need to shun their family members

    par. 14 "Love... endures all things"

    The conduct of a respected brother may be upsetting, causing us to wonder, 'How can a christian act like that?'

    footnote - we know some brothers' behaviours can give you a chill - ignoring it is christian


    For best understanding and examples, think "other person's sin"

    Learn these important lessons and be better jws holy christian people

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Come to think of it, that whole study presented is basically saying, "Love is the effort of considering your brother's sins"

  • Pistoff

    I attended this one, and it really irritated me. All the talk of love; yet the chapter talked about the importance of going to the elders about other's serious wrongdoing. The next paragraph talked about love covering a multitude of sins! Is it any wonder we are all nuts??


    "Other person's sin" ... hmmmm ... isn't that someone's judgment...?

    That entire religion is focusing on fear ... instead of love.



  • DHL
    Yes, a christian who is governed by love is not eager to drag into the light of day all the imperfections and shortcomings of his christian brothers.

    They want to silence the lambs and say that's love.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    There is nothing in there about helping impartially and giving - the whole study (above) is saying that "Love means tolerating the sins of people still in the org"

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