did u ever write to the bethel anonymously..cos if you did or if you are thinking of doing this is how they view it
w68 5/15 pp. 318-319 Questions from Readers ******
from Readers?
I will be looking for the reply to my letter in "Questions from Readers" in The Watchtower.?Unsigned.That we have a section in this magazine entitled "Questions from Readers" testifies to the fact that we regularly receive inquiries from the readers of the Watch Tower Society?s publications. Some inquire about doctrinal matters or things they read in the Society?s literature. Others seek Scriptural counsel on problems they personally have.
While we do not have facilities for unlimited correspondence, we are usually able to help if someone needs a Bible answer to a question and he is unable to obtain it locally. When we receive an inquiry, we reply privately by means of a letter. But not all the questions we receive are also reproduced in this section in The Watchtower. Sometimes the correspondence is of a personal nature and so would not be of interest to our readers in general. Other replies are not published because the matter has recently been discussed in the Society?s literature. In such cases we often give the inquirer references so that he can consult what the Society has already published on the topic.
However, we do not reply to unsigned letters, or to letters signed only with initials. And obviously we cannot write back to an individual if he does not supply his address. If someone truly wants help on a matter, he ought to put himself in position to receive it by providing his name and address. Letters that cannot be answered because the writers did not give this information will not be presented in "Questions from Readers."