When is a personal choice not a personal choice? When it's Hobson's choice.
Dictionary.com defines Hobson's choice as this:
An apparently free choice that offers no real alternative.
This is exactly the kind of choice that the Watchtower gives you all the time, while stipulating that their brand of religion gives you freedom as a Christian.
Take for example, the matter of staying at a hotel for the assembly. Witnesses already spend considerable time and expense going to the assembly, surely you think they would be permitted to stay where they wish.
Unfortunately, that doesn't go down well with Watchtowerites, who demand that you stay at their listed accomodations.
OK, so how about going out for lunch. Can we do that please?
No - the Watchtower Public Policy Program forbids you, a grown adult, to pop over to Wendy's for a cheeseburger.
OK, so now I have to stay where they say, and make my own lunch - could I at least have my own lunch outside the convention facility?
No - the Watchtower Think Tank in charge of Preventing Independent Thought and Activity board strongly recommends that you stay inside their stuffy convention faciltity, for the whole of the session - lunch included.
The way they go on and on about hotel accomodations, lunch and where you spend it, hardly qualifies as the "pressing onto maturity" that Paul described.
Grown men and women are being treated as kids.