Having been involved in a few online debates with JW's lately, I've realised that no matter how devastatingly logical your argument is, a JW will never accept it. I began thinking it's obvious this is the conditioning at work and that hiding from cognitive dissonance is their survival method to preserve there beliefs.
However, what are the component parts of this "we're never wrong" attitude? I started thinking back and I seemed to remember a lot of instances in the publications or talks such as:-
This world is wicked but we KNOW that Jehovah will end this system soon.
We KNOW that Satan is the cause of suffering on earth.
The church believes in the Trinity but we KNOW Jesus is God's son.
I can't seem to recollect examples stating simple belief. If the publications said we BELIEVE such and such would it be as effective? Does this compound "truth" at a subconcious level in the mind so greatly that evidence to the contrary is instantly blocked off?
It would be interesting if anyone had such examples from Watchtower literature. I threw out all my material when I left the cult so I can't look myself, unfortunately.
Any opinions?