This might sound funny but I have heard many stories of JW's fighting in the KH bathroom or arguing. I remember an elder's wife who was having alot of medical problems cursed out another sister in the bathroom. She called her everything but the kitchen sink I was told by another sister that was in the bathroom when this altercation took place. Another time two sisters in my hall had a knock down drag out fight in the bathroom and the brothers had to go into the bathroom and break the fight up. I am sure these are not isolated cases and is more common then we want to believe. Tell me your KH fight stories from your hall or other KH you have heard about. Was there a Jerry Springer moment in your KH?
Did you know of any JWs fighting in the Kingdom Hall or arguing in the KH?
by booker-t 19 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, I wished that happened in my congregation.
It would have added spice to the meetings...
There was a fight at a congregation get-together once. 1 sister was a pioneer. They were rolling around on the ground fighting. Quite a few people saw it, including an elder. Yet, the pioneer did not get removed. I believe she's still a pioneer today.
I would say that JWs tend to be passive-aggresssive and like the slide the knife into your back quietly.
I have heard of elders standing up during a service meeting and disagreeing in public with another elder. Result: elder who stood up is removed.
Elders yell at lot at each other during elders meetings.
I know of elders who yelled at publisher during a JC.
I know of elders who yelled at publisher during shepherding call.
The key is to do it in private or with the least number of eye (ear) witnesses.
And you don't ever want to yell at the CO.
I know of a father and son, the son was in his thirties, having a huge fight outside the kingdom hall. The elders had to break it up.
Another instance was at a party. Two sisters had been bitching at each other for ages, all hell broke loose and ther was a huge fight. Black eyes the works. There husbands could not seperate them. In the end they had to pick them up, throw them in their cars and take them home. Was hillarious.
We (my daughter and I ) were getting out of our car going to the door. We were like almost late, so not anyone in the lot. BUT>>>>>>>>>the couple that was parked at the back of the lot.
I heard voices getting louder and louder and then I saw them.......him on the drivers side and her on the passenger side......fighting over the roof of the car.
Since I had Jessica with me, I tried to hurry her in. Then I heard the guy say to the girl.......
Let's stop this damn charade and let everyone know what the hell is going on........then called her a damn slut or something.
I really was shocked at the display.....but I thought it was a bit funny too........Anyway, they divorced and both are DF.
Another time, a couple was doing a magazine presentation in the service meeting. and the husband did not say his line right and it threw the wifes next comment off, and the audience laughed. she got embarrassed as he poked fun at her too. It was really all harmless. But she was royally pissed off.
When it was over, she sat at a settee by the door, and he came over to kiss up!!! She was still fuming and they were arguing while the meeting was going on.
Other than parents beating the hell out of their kids? Yeah, KH fight stories are a fave of mine, here's a couple of old threads on the subject for your perusal
Yes and I chaired a judicial committee that publicly reproved both of them
I witnesssed a husband pushing his wife around. I confronted them both about it.
Then told him if i saw him doin it again i'd com pack up her and her things and he'd never see her again.
I must have scared the crap out of him, cause he went to get therapy and is doing much better.
They're still married 7 years later and have two great kids.
never seen a fight but plenty of shouting.
once when i was a m.s. i was talking to a young dub encouraging him to come witnessing with our group the following week.this was during the w.t. rubbish, we were in the fowyer speaking very quietly.
we were there on guard duty,security.
when the meet finished the elder conducting w.t. came straight out to us shouting as loudly as possible that we had disturbed his part, went off his nut,everyone was stunned,no one on back rows heard us talking so he never did being in front hall.
i told him to go into the back room with me and sort his problem out.
after calming him down he said it wasnt that we disturbed him but he was having a go at me because i was friendly with another elder he didnt get on with.
at that time the cong was split in two camps, 3 elders and their followers sat one side of hall, and the others sat the other side,we sat on various sides so as not to give impression we were on any particular side,that day we sat on the other side of hall.big mistake,lol
in the end he apologised and we didnt get on too bad after that. mr.alw