2005 Dallas Crawfest LIVE WEBCAM is now up! :D

by Elsewhere 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • iggy_the_fish

    Can we make you all do stuff? Like, could you all do strong man poses for me or something, so I know it's real time I'm watching?

  • Joyzabel
    Bombay Sapphire???


  • Junction-Guy

    The Apostafest is going great, check the webcam.

    Hi Bob (Honesty)

    Hi Jill

  • Billygoat

    (((((((Big Tex and Cruzan)))))))))

    Thank you so much for opening your home to us. Food was fantastic, beer was great, weather was perfect, and conversation was fabulous. Mozz and I had a fantastic time!


    Thanks for being such a great chef. I think you need an apron that says, "Kiss the Cook"...or maybe "Pinch the Cook".

    Love y'all so much!

    Billygoat and Mozz

  • Eyebrow2

    oooo sounds like it was a great time!

    we couldn't make it...the flu AGAIN has been hitting us like a tornado, coming back every few days. Didn't think it would be very loving to share the sore throats with you all.

    the web cam is cool...

  • blondie

    Is it over? I didn't get to see Valis?

  • MegaDude
    Hold on..isn't that Megadude slumped in a chair? Strange..he's usually playing table football. Oh well..


  • Aude_Sapere

    All I see is table and 4 chairs with a brown sweater/jacket over one chair :-((

    Hope y'all are having a great time

  • Elsewhere

    Well, the CrawFest is over and the webcam is no longer being updated... I'd like to thank everyone for participating in the WebCam by viewing it.

    At times there were so many hits that the site was bogged down... (I guess that is a side effect of using a hosting service that only costs $3.95 a month. ) A bad result of a GREAT success.

  • cruzanheart

    Cruzanheart's tired! It was great fun, though!! We'll have to make this an annual tradition.

    We had lots of people, lots of food, great conversation, and some comic relief: Moose (our basset hound) upon seeing the tubs of live crawfish and crabs promptly plunged his curious nose into one of the tubs. It was only a matter of time . . . one irate crawfish grabbed one of those long sensitive ears and held on as Moose backed away, shaking his head. We had to physically remove the "earring." The good thing was that he stayed away from the crawfish after that! Ohio Cowboy brought Chelsea over, and she and Moose played themselves out. Moose is still sleeping it off today.

    The party finally broke up at about 1:00 a.m. with Elsewhere peacefully asleep on the sofa and Moose voluntarily taking to his crate in relief. This morning we all had a hearty protein breakfast, vowed off the sauce at least until after lunch, and set to work cleaning up.

    Moose is still sleeping.

    Hugs to all,


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