WAS Minimus Genuine??

by hamsterbait 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    I Was reading Min's earliest posts and they sounded kinda 'wtlessey'. Apparent attempts at defending da troof.

    Min were you already sick of it all and trying to keep your finger in the dyke, or did you really still believe and doing like some of the newbies do even now on this forum?

    We all know the big scandals but what did you discover that really made you decide "this is enough??"


  • lilbit


  • jgnat


    For a really good laugh, go read some of Simon's first posts.

  • hamsterbait

    Lack of MINimal input noteworthy?

    (OMG that sounds like an 'Asleep' crossword clue)


  • IP_SEC

    hamster, there was no text in your message at first. Thats why you got quizical reponses.

    Sorry I didnt know minimus back then so I can help yas. Anyone else?

  • vitty

    I know this board started off pro witness. So when did it start to change, and did everyone start realizing about the truth together.

    I know there is a few here who have been here since the begining, can you tell us about the changes?

  • tijkmo

    NOOOOOOOOOO dont tell me there has been increased light here too

  • blondie

    I started out slow. I was an active JW when I first starting lurking here. My first post was basically an explanation of how the 7,000 creative day had changed quietly to an ambiguous thousands of years long in the WTS publications. Just the facts, maam, using the WTS own words to illiustrate their hypocrisy. I try to keep it that way. It is obvious that I am no longer waiting on Jehovah to correct the errors of the WTS.

    Blondie (still evolving)

  • willyloman

    I was an elder conducting the WT study every Sunday when I first came across this site. I had a wife and three grown children "in the truth," all of whom were former pioneers.

    The site appeared to me to be an enlightened forum where JWs could ask the kinds of questions you really couldn't ask the people you knew at the KH. Anonimity provided a way to explore those disquieting questions we all had.

    I was hooked from the start. I watched the forum grow and evolve. I grew and evolved with it, as did my entire family. Today we are free from the WT shackles, all leading happy and productive lives. We have been incredibly blessed, no doubt by a God who looks very different to me now.

  • minimus

    I just noticed this thread. I don't know what threads or posts yopu might be referring to but I was an elder when I first got on board. No one else in my family knew of my real feelings. I s l o w l y brought up matters, questions and situations to let them know I was questioning things. I was not pro-JW at all, although I did not at the time want to concede that they were a cult and that I was a cult member. Other than that, no major transformation from pro to con JW. I always realized it was bullcrap just now I appreciate it even more.

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