Educated Criticism Will MESS YOU UP

by Farkel 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Hi MD, long-time friend!

    : I am still amazed by the use of loaded language by these control freaks.
    : 'Blood transfusion CRAZE'??????

    : LMAO right through the frustrated tears,

    My dear, everything that doesn't agree with the mighty WTS Printing Corporation and International/Tax-Avoiding/publication-smuggling/Government Sucking/Local-member-abusing Conglomorate of Theocratic Bureaucratic Assholes is a "craze": You naive and simple-minded-word-genius, you!

    I concur, BTW. In case you hadn't noticed from these comments.

    Muckraker Without Regrets Class

  • Farkel

    Greetings Philo,

    I'm doing ok, by the way. Thanks for your concern. I really appreciate it.

    You said:

    : They are: highball poker playing eschatological losers, secretive high-binders and slanderous Chinese-whisperers, high-blowers of high-pitched self important hymns, high-day revellers at the hoped-for slaughter of billions, authors of highfalutin, high-flown, high-minded, high-sounding teachings about their own highty-tighty high class, Oh, and high-handed, high 'n' mighty pharisees…on the high-road to hell

    What's wrong with just calling them "assholes?" Here in America, we like to keep things rather simple. After all, we are simple people from simple Countries and Continents. Like Europe. We can't help it!

    No offense, or anything.


  • Farkel



    : Just takes some real work,effort.Formal ed. helped me in this regard.

    Never had that. I'm still a dummy. I just muck around and stuff.

    Imagine how dangerous I could be if I had some of that-there Formal ed. stuff!


  • dunsscot

    Dear Farkbuddy,


    : Just takes some real work,effort.Formal ed. helped me in this regard.

    Never had that. I'm still a dummy. I just muck around and stuff.

    Imagine how dangerous I could be if I had some of that-there Formal ed. stuff!>>

    Just think, if you had some formal education, you would have known what HC was before you wrote your fine dissertation wherein you just knocked down a straw man. :-)

    BTW, JWs did not invent the term "higher criticism," we just castigate them boys that practice it. If you'really nice, I can direct you to some nice worldly sources that will clear up any confusion about higher criticism. Don't thank me.

    Your friend,

    Duns the Scot

  • Farkel

    Dunny Boy,

    : Just think, if you had some formal education, you would have known what HC was before you wrote your fine dissertation wherein you just knocked down a straw man. :-)

    Just think, if you had any balls, you would have demolished my entire argument instead of picking on one premise. But you have no balls because you never took my argument in its entirety. Like the typical dub, you focused on one SMALL part of my argument and lamely attempted to demolish the whole thing on that small part.

    Maybe you have no balls, and you are too much of a coward to take on the ENTIRE argument I presented. The only "strawman" was that I asserted that there had to be a "lower" criticism, which I now know there is. I concede. Now move on to the other arguments.

    Maximus gave me the elucidation, but that doesn't affect my overall argument. If you think it doesn't, then fire away, windbag!

    Now, asshole, the ball is in your court: demolish the rest of my argument vis as vis the Watchtower arguments I presented.

    Go for it.

    Farkel, who knows that windbags are not likely to think clearly

  • dunsscot

    :Just think, if you had any balls, you would have demolished my entire argument instead of picking on one premise. But you have no balls because you never took my argument in its entirety. Like the typical dub, you focused on one SMALL part of my argument and lamely attempted to demolish the whole thing on that small part:

    Okay, Farkel, I tried to be nice but I behold that you like it rough. Nevertheless I will not stoop down to your level and immerse myself in argumentum ad hominem. I'll just make statements in words even you can understand.

    When you typed your fine piece of work, you had no clue what HC really was/is. You wasted time typing an essay criticizing the WT for something they were never even talking about. They were discussing a particular form of biblical criticism (HC), but you applied the article's sublime counsel about HC to "educated criticism," implying the WT condemned going to college in the articles you cited or you declared they denigrated critical thinking en toto. How can I condescend and dialogue with someone who opens his mouth before engaging his brain? I simply will not do so. Is that rough enough for you, Fark?


    Duns the Scot

  • ozziepost

    Tina, Just noticed, you're a Jedi! Well done. Keep it up!

    Ozzie (of the southern posting class)

  • Farkel

    Dunny boy,

    : Just think, if you had any balls, you would have demolished my entire argument instead of picking on one premise. But you have no balls because you never took my argument in its entirety. Like the typical dub, you focused on one SMALL part of my argument and lamely attempted to demolish the whole thing on that small part:

    Dunny boy: note CLEARLY what I said above, ok?

    Dunny boy now speaks:

    : Okay, Farkel, I tried to be nice but I behold that you like it rough. Nevertheless I will not stoop down to your level and immerse myself in argumentum ad hominem.

    I LOVE it rough, dummy.

    So, I asked for a simple rebuttal and dunny boy brings in this "I will not stoop DOWN to your level and immserse myself in argumentum ad hominem." LOL! He just committed a MAJOR ad hominem! How so, you ask? Because he arrogantly put himself above my level and would not deign to stoop "DOWN(tm)" to My level. In otherwords, he calls me unworthy of "his" "level" and he is unwilling except in this case to "stoop down" to "my level.". Does any sane person on this board see our dunny boy tossing out a MAJOR ad hominem here? Speak UP, folks!

    : I'll just make statements in words even you can understand.

    Well, I like that respect you give me, boss. I'm just a dummy in my world, and you are a real asshole in your world, so I guess we are worlds apart, asshole. Unlike you, I can actually cognate. Cognating is fun. You should try it sometime.

    : When you typed your fine piece of work, you had no clue what HC really was/is. You wasted time typing an essay criticizing the WT for something they were never even talking about. They were discussing a particular form of biblical criticism (HC), but you applied the article's sublime counsel about HC to "educated criticism," implying the WT condemned going to college in the articles you cited or you declared they denigrated critical thinking en toto. How can I condescend and dialogue with someone who opens his mouth before engaging his brain? I simply will not do so. Is that rough enough for you, Fark?

    How then, do you explain, given my quotes that the WTS used the term "textual criticism" and never explained that it was also known as "lower criticism?" Search your own WT CD ROM and please provide enough examples of "lower criticism", i.e. "textual criticism "so that the readers on this board can see that the WTS is balanced and fair when it also talks about "Higher Criticism(tm)."

    Does the WTS also clearly explain the term "lower criticism" to its membership, i.e. "textual analysis?" If so, where does it explain that? I'm most curious about this.

    Bring it on, brother!


  • talesin


  • mamochan13

    Wow. What an excellent essay! Thank you, Farkel, and thank you Tal for bringing it back. It made me laugh and cry. So subtle and sneaky how they have demonized any type of higher education and critical thinking.

    I agree with you on the grammar analogy - ridiculous. One of the most common and effective education techniques is to provide examples of poor grammar, which the student must correct. No one can learn good grammar simply by studying the rules. Examples!!

    I also got a kick out of this one. Yeah, JW's bible preaching IS "uncultured language of barbarians"

    *** w59 3/1 139 Warnings of Jehovah's Unusual Work ***
    Jehovah’s witnesses do not speak to them their language, the language of the sectarian creeds, the language of higher criticism, the language of philosophy. Our Bible preaching is to the clergy a foreign tongue, a jargon of our own, like the uncultured language of barbarians.

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