What is wrong with my cat?

by Nancy Drake 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    My cat has recently taken to lounging in the litter box!!!!! It is the nastiest behavior I've ever seen from a cat!!!!

    To make it worse, he is white and has very long hair!!!!

    Does anyone who knows anything about cats have any idea why his nasty butt is doing this???? Help!!!! Should I call a cat psychologist???

  • avishai

    *biting my tongue hard*

  • Krystal

    My last cat did the same thing... turns out the vet said it is normal behavior if the cat is feeling sick.

  • zev

    naaaa.....i just can't.......nevermind.

  • talesin

    Is your cat drinking and urinating a lot more than usual? Losing weight? How old?

    You may want to have your friend checked out by a vet.

    Kitties don't like mess, so there would be a reason for this behaviour. If you use clay litter, you can dump several times a day, it's cheap, and environmentally friendly.

    Have you moved recently? Cats can be really sensitive to changes in the home as well. Maybe kitty is having 'territory' issues.

    If Robdar is around, she may have a suggestion. She's worked with them a lot.

    Hope kitty is okay!


  • DanTheMan

    I don't know what zev and avishai may have been thinking...

    but it appears to me that sometimes a pussy takes a liking to its own box.


  • kwintestal

    I'd say you've been giving it too much catnip. Whenever I get good and hammered I sleep (passout) in the bathroom too.


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    av and zev...WTF are you talking about?

    Krystal: Thanks for the tip. I hope he's ok

    Talesin: Thanks for the advice. Looks like a vet trip is in order. I think I'll pm Robdar if she doesn't mind.

    LMAO @ Kwin...we actually have been giving them a new organic catnip and it's gets them pretty worked up.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ...and I thought YOU were the detective, Miss Drake!

    That is strange behavior for a cat.

    Could you describe the cat's living conditions:

    a. are there more than one cat in the home?

    b. are there any dogs in the home?

    c. has this cat been traumatized recently?

    d. did any other pets die recently? (animals morn)

    e. does the cat seem to be in normal health otherwise?

    One of the best sources of information on the workings of the kitty mind is Pam Johnson-Bennett, who has a website at: http://www.pamjohnsonbennett.com/

    Her books are compassionate and insightful, and I think she will entertain letters from the masses, so you might try writing to her.

    mailto:[email protected]

    Let us know if that works out, OK?

  • JH

    Maybe your litter is scented, and the cat likes that?

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