This may all be true (yes, sadly it is), but I choose not to give up my ideals. I maintain that one can be a 'nice' person, yet still not be a carpet. It can be a fine line to walk, that is true. Occasionally, I am too soft; at other times, I can be a right-on bitch!
It's hard to be a 'nice-guy', because when you decide to speak up, everyone is so damn shocked. They would not be surprised if "A" said it, because "A" is always opinionated. But when "B" speaks up and tells you where it's at ("B" being the nice-guy), you put him down because your expectation is that he is supposed to always be nice, and never have a strong opinion. OMG, "B" said that??? You know what I mean ...
Although I have lost promotions because I choose not to be a back-stabbing, Machiavellian type of person, I feel really good about my behaviours both in business and personal life. Yes, I have made mistakes, and hurt people. Of course, I am human. But there is a difference between an honest mistake, and calculated nasty behaviour.
For several years, I have been unwell, and many folks have been very kind to me. I have received support from the most unexpected places over the past few years. "Out of the Blue" at times, so to speak. Maybe I lost out in the past a couple of times due to being a nice-guy, but the universe has repaid me many times over in my times of need.
Why change into something we do not want to be because of the mainstream? Do we really want to be good little corporate robots so that we can win the GAME? You know, the one that says "He who has the most toys when he dies, wins." ... it's just so pointless. I would rather have lots of people that love me, than lots of money.
(Although money is nice, too! Luxuries are fun, they are just not worth more than my personal ethics.)
Oh, and as for the good boy/bad boy thing. You guys just tell me that some nasty, plastic woman that steps out of the pages of Penthouse and has lots of flash to take you on the town isn't gonna make you come running/panting? Yah, you're gonna choose the plain, fleshy, quiet girl. SURE SURE
uh, huh
heheh GOTCHA!!!
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