I'm waiting for the mall to open so I can get my hair cut.
by Mary 37 Replies latest jw friends
Sunday lunchtime we always go up the pub.
Doesn't everybody?
tea...JWD...breakfast with my daughter...then a trip to the lake for my 1st meetup w/some
"apostates"conscientious religious objectors I used to know back when we were all j-dubs.~Merry
afternoon meeting.
I don't believe this! I was just getting the ingredients together to make banana bread too! WITH CREAM CHEESE SPREAD ON IT.............YUMMEE!
Actually I add the cream cheese IN the 'nana bread-----got the recipe out of the Southern Living magazine I get every month....let's see, it's almost 11:00am......I figure they're on paragraph one of the Botchtower study......they have a frigging review before AND after the study, just in case you were daydreaming......
I don't need to go........I got what I needed from Blondies study of the WT (which was great BTW) I am doing laundry and cleaning and going to work in my yard, which is the best way to feel close to Creation for me today, and while I am doing it I am grateful to be able to enjoy being outside on a beautiful day.....and very thankful too. .
Hey Mary, as I was enjoying my mug of Joe on my front porch I thought I smelled something wonderful coming from your general direction....I'll be right over.. and I'll bring the flavoured coffee....let me shut this contraption down first........
Dee, you little shit, I can't believe you're not at the Holy Hall this morning!!!! OK, I jes' might come see you this afternoon with sum 'nana bread----after Service of course.
You know where to find me.........
I usually finish with my work around 8-8:30 AM which gives me an hour or so to get ready and be there around 9:15 just in time for our prayer group then up the corridors into the main sanctuary where the worship service starts at 9:35 then at 11:00 on to Sunday School and then home at 12. If I can get enough sleep on Saturday (which is easy now that I don't go around pissing my neighbors off by knocking on their door and trying to sell [the WT calls it placements] magazines which are full of BS) I can grab a power nap and be back at church around 4:30 just in time for the youth groups I have been helping and then back in the main sanctuary for evening worship at 6:30. Back home for about 3 hours sleep and then out to our prayer room for an hour I have committed to every Monday morning an then on to work at 2 AM. So much more meaningful working for the Lord than slaving for the apostate WTBTS. Plus I don't have to turn in a report every month because the Lord knows what I do is a result of faith in Him that produces works instead of trying to build faith by works like the booksellers from the WTBTS.
I had to lay low this morning because I was tired and didn't make it home until 9:45 because of some work related problems. I wonder if Jesus is going to dock me 2 days in Paradise on account of it.