Does anyone have any info on what the WTS says about windchimes? I seem to recall they were related to evil spirits or some-such-nonsense.
Windchimes--does WTS have info?
by love2Bworldly 11 Replies latest jw friends
I was taught, back in the 70's, that they are "demonic" because they were originally used to ward off evil spirits...shoo them away from your front door.
*** w81 6/1 p. 31 Questions from Readers ***
from Readers?
Would it be wrong for a Christian to use wind chimes in his or her home?Many persons have used wind chimes to give a pleasant musical aspect to the home. When the wind blows, the glass, metal or wooden pieces hit against one another to produce the sound. However, it is the custom in some countries to put up wind chimes with the thought that they will keep evil spirits from entering the home. Obviously, a Christian would not make use of wind chimes for such a purpose. So if there is such a superstitious belief in one?s country, or community, it would not be wise to have a wind chime in the home. Thus no one will be stumbled or given the impression that Jehovah?s Witnesses make use of wind chimes for some unscriptural purpose.?1 Cor. 10:31-33.
However, if one?s motive in putting up a wind chime has nothing to do with false religion, superstition or demonism, and there is little possibility of others? getting the wrong impression regarding its use in the home, it is a simple matter for personal decision.
Thus no one will be stumbled or given the impression that Jehovah?s Witnesses make use of wind chimes for some unscriptural purpose.?1 Cor. 10:31-33.
{ slaps knee and lets out a hearty LOLOLOLOLOL!! }
Is it scriptural to even wipe my a__?
LOLOLOLOL...don't anyone answer that!
Ya know, when I saw this thread, I passed it by thinking 'windchimes' was a posters name. Then it hit me...someone is actually going to ask if windchimes are a no-no in Wt land.
Thanks for the laugh, although I'm sure you are serious. Don't mind me. When it comes to Wt " p's and q's" it's all funny!!
It got so I was almost afraid to put a vase of flowers or candles on the dining room table because doing such and so might have been a demon-inspired ritual someplace or sometime in the history of man. Ugh. ...and I seem to remember being told by the sis who studied with me that the windchime thing wasn't a good idea, right before she lovingly directed me to cancel my YMCA membership. I get a headache just thinking about it now.
Is it scriptural to even wipe my a__?
Lev. 27:35 "Let nothing come between YOU and YOUR emissions, for this is a detestable thing in the eyes of the LORD."
(Toilet paper is NOT allowed!)
It got so I was almost afraid to put a vase of flowers or candles on the dining room table because doing such and so might have been a demon-inspired ritual someplace or sometime in the history of man.
Eating food is a part of the religious rituals of every religion (pagan and otherwise) that I know of. Somebody tell the Society, quick, so they can warn all good JW's to stop eating!
Robert V Frazier
I vaguely remember hearing this one too but they can go to hell because I think windchimes are just fine. Your neighbors may think they are annoying though!
I have heard enough insanity along these lines to last me two lifetimes! It got to be crazy with them. You didn't even want them over your house because you might have some such thing laying around that is a no-no. Then some idiot would say maybe your house was demonized, etc. etc.
I am tired of it all. -
The 1981 quote is a watered down version of the stance on wind chimes from the 60s and 70s. I don't know if it was ever in print, but at least in word they were condemned. I remember that a close non-JW family member got some chimes for our family when I was a kid. It created quite the flap when my parents refused to hang them because of the 'demon' connection. The family member that gave them to us was insulted and hurt.
However, if one's motive in putting up a wind chime has nothing to do with false religion, superstition or demonism, and there is little possibility of others getting the wrong impression regarding its use in the home, it is a simple matter for personal decision.
hmmm...what if this logic was used in other ways...
However, if one's motive in celebrating birthdays has nothing to do with false religion, superstition or demonism, and there is little possibility of others getting the wrong impression regarding this celebration, it is a simple matter for personal decision.