CoC--Mexico vs Malawi or other countries

by love2Bworldly 12 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • love2Bworldly

    I don't know if this might be a repeat, sorry if it is. I am in the middle of reading CoC.

    Do you think that Mexico JW's were spared by the Governing Body from rigid rules of not being involved in military issues/political party issues compared to other countries such as Malawai, because the WTS could make more money from people in Mexico converting to JWs as opposed to some other countries such as Malawi?

    Or do you have any opinions as to why the WTS were so loose with the Mexican JW's vs. other places like Malawi? I guess I am just trying to figure out in my mind why it didn't bother them that people were being killed and tortured in one country, and in another country they didn't care that people were using money to pay bribes to keep from going to jail, etc.

    What are your thoughts?

  • Chia

    I am in the middle of reading it myself. I don't have an answer to your question. It's senseless and sickening. And when I read that they printed the change in Mexico's status in the Watchtower like the government had held them back when really they held themselves back for selfish reasons, it really broke my heart.

    BTW, happy birthday!

  • tijkmo

    i really cant see the reasoning behind what happened in mexico...even the mexican bros were embarrassed about it..but i dont see it as being financial..i really (said in a kinda despairing uncomprehending as opposed to a dogmatic way) dont see anyone getting rich off of the proceeds.

    tijkmo of the getting ready to be shouted at again for having an opinion that differs from others class

  • IP_SEC

    Hmmm I dont know, but I have thought, just maybe it was because Mexico is in the back yard. Where I live, there are many, many brothers who have family in Mexico. There are sooo many mexican brothers, and being so close, if things got as bad as malawi, the media coverage would have been much greater.

    Malawi tho? Where's that? Who cares? Does anyone even own a camera in Malawi?

    Damn, well, no money for the bribes, well thats just too damn bad you guys. We will get the brothers over here working on a letter writtin campaign, Maybe that'll help.

  • upside/down

    The business of the WTS benefits from a certain socio-economic group... lower middle-class is IDEAL!

    The ultra rich scare them... the ultra poor they don't want (let the RC & Islam have 'em) Africans are too damn poor... not much potential there. Mexico however is PERFECT... the entire population is what they are looking for. Minimal education, highly submissive and lower middle class but self-sufficient, with just enough left over each month to send a little stipend to "Mother". (maybe "Mother" is short for mother f*cker?)

    The lower middle-class is the target market... and it's a "white field ready for harvest" according to them...

    Funny I thought JC loved the WHOLE WORLD. Apparently "new-light" has shown otherwise.


  • upside/down

    There is a direct correlation of educated populaces and access to information and the WTS growth....

    They are incongruent! Read their year end reports if you doubt it.


  • Ticker

    The answer lies somewhere in the political rub my back and I'll rub yours. The wtbts had much to lose if it did not gain political fancy in Mexico, as they went to much difficulty their to try and extablish property. Even going as far as ommiting many supposed requirements of godly service and devotion.(Etc. opening prayers, songs, pretending to not be a religious organization.) Do you think for one minute that God would accept this reasoning just so that he could own more property? Do you think God would accept hypocritical double standards to aquire more property and power? I dont think anyone in their right mind could answer yes to thoese questions and yet that is what you must accept if you accept the WTBTS as truth. As for Malawai, well what huge profits would they expect to reap by bending rules for a third world country? Obviously the bottom line of this issue is power, wealth, and property. Somewhere their is always a business aproach and bottom line to the WTBTS endeavors and this is just another example of cost effectiveness and financial betterment of their corporation. This is nothing to the business world but is just better hidden when you add the element of religion and censorship.


  • TallTexan

    Just out of curiosity, and by way of proof to those still brain-washed, I'd love to find some 3rd party verification of that story in CoC.....

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> I'd love to find some 3rd party verification of that story in CoC.....

    So would I! The best I have -- and it seems pretty good -- was when I called the Watchtower the other day and asked them about it. The guy that talked to me said he wouldn't answer questions about it on the phone and I needed to write a letter. But he did tell me that those two situations were "completely different, not related at all" and that some groups of ex-Witnesses have tried to link the two, but they are separate issues. "One involved our political stand, and we follow Jesus' command to remain separate from the world."

    "And the other only involved breaking the law?" I prompted?

    "Yes, to a certain extent." He then -- again -- told me I needed to write a letter and he wouldn't talk to me on the phone about it. :-)

    Since he was so bothered about the question, and offered only this lame "separate issues" response, it seems to me to be a tacit admission of what happened. If he could have, I think he would have denied the Mexico thing if there was any basis for doing so.


  • blindersoff
    I'd love to find some 3rd party verification of that story in CoC

    I hope to be able to check this out with my Mexico connection contacts within the next several months. B

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