That was the title of a fabulous U2 cd, but I borrow it here to ask you all, old friends, a question.
First, apologies for being absent for so long. "Real life" projects have cut into my online time, been so busy I haven't had time to turn around twice. But you are in my thoughts, daily.
My question for do you know what to keep and what to throw away?
I was cleaning and I found a bunch of things I didn't even know I still had, probably been in boxes seven years since I last moved...and what I saw made me feel so sick. Pictures from my first wedding (aside from the ones I put aside for my child, in case she wants them someday) pictures of me at assemblies, my old bible, my old OM book. Tons of paper things...reminders, all of a life I left and no longer have any use for or fondness to look back upon.
Should I just haul it all out into the trash and not look back again or do you think I should carefully ponder before I trash?
I just feel like the time has come to really be free of so many things from the old life; that woman is dead, she doesn't exist anymore. Why should I let her old baggage take up room in my house, when I am happy, at peace (most of the time, anyway) and living a much better life now?
It's funny, I have a strong attachment to things from my young childhood, the few I have, and for things from the past seven years of my life. But the years between about 4 and 25...anything that belonged to me then, I have no attachment to anymore. It's like souvineers from a trip to hell, why would you want them?
Your thoughts?
thanks and hugs to you all,