Last night I had a dream that a former (stupid) elder called me at 6 a.m. to tell me that he wanted to let me know that he was calling for the body of elders, that they asked him to call me to get together and answer some questions. I said, "And you're calling me at 6 in the morning? Why????" He said it didn't matter whether it was that time or later, he stll had to call. So I promptly hung up........What does it all mean????
Have You Ever Had Any Weird Dreams???
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
Vezzy vezzy interezting. Lie back on z couch an we will anilize thish dweem! I sink zat thish dweem shtems from your secret lust for you muzzer........LOL sorry min couldnt resist
zen nudist
everything we know is basically from a map in our brain which originated partly from the world as we have experienced it...
our consciousness is like two very bright which illuminates the map from our sensory data...eyes, ears, nose, etc...
the other is very dim...the light of imagination, memory, thoughts, etc....
when the bright light goes out... the dim light seen all by itself can be mistaken for the bright light...and we find ourself in a realm which is strictly from the map...but since the bright light normally came from senses stabilized by a shared world, it had a consistancy to it that was not based on our current anxieties or thinking....this is not so for the light of imagination which works more by associative links rather than cause and effect linear time.... the world maker, the part of our brain which actually invents the world we know, does the best it can with the data availible and so the dream world will have a resemblance of consistancy as the world maker fills in details from other memories.
just as you can tell a stop sign behind a tree by a tiny corner, the world maker invents entire scenerios from very tiny bits of data...the source of which is often things happening around your sleeping body being translated into the active dream.... since the memory requires a certain amount of energy to store memories, the sleeping world is often simply not transfered from short to long term and if you dont wake up until it ends, chances are good you will never remember even having a dream.
emotional hot spots in the map tend to draw the dim light.... unfinished business, anxieities, hanging memories where parts are now missing, etc.
Zen, you so deep, man.
Yes just last week had a freaky dream that I was going to a circuit assembly in manchester and was walking to the assembly hall....along the way people kept handing me shots of aftershock with cryptic messages in the bottom of the of them was to visit a new age shop next door to the assembly hall...(therenever was one and would be severely freaked out if there is now given ive never seen it) I mooched around the shop for a while and then realised that the sessions were about to start so I made my way there....I walked up the steps and where the old kitchens/dining hall used to be the 2012 Olympics Organisation had hired the room and had placed a banner across the walls. I carried on and ended up in a room which looked like the 2nd school of my old KH....I sat down. I was ignored by everyone in the room and I was told by an elder I knew in the old KH that everyone in there were f*ckwits and that i was better sitting in the balcony...So I did but the balcony was weird and not like I remembered it...then from out of the two attendants gates at either side of the platform two opera singers came bounding out and started singing. At that point (nothing against opera) I decided I would leave and bugger off back home....end of dream
Diamond, I don't know. It seems like you want to go back but you KNOW there's no reason for it.
Thats just it....I dont!!! never ever would I venture through those doors.
But for some reason it must have been on my mind....I remember thinking back that I had seen a post by garybus which had some piccis of an assembly hall with a balcony...and I remember thinking that it looked slightly like Northenden AH...(the one in my dream) I am sure it was not long after that I had the dream.
Its funny how your mind mashes everything up and confuses everything.
Even in my dream though, the feeling of being at the Assembly Hall was unpleasant...maybe my subconscious was reminding me what it was like...I dont know either Mini.
Good for a laugh though....question is would I go back if they offered free and unlimited quantities of aftershock or vodka for the journey? Tough call but probably not
Integ---not that type.
It means 1 of 2 things.
1. you were dreaming
2. you didn't dream it but while you slept a micro voice transmitter was used to transmit an elder saying that to you. Now they have them as tiny wire or fibre like devices that look like a strand of human hair. Who has them? Independent contractors to the U.S. military are a source, which is why electronics store salespeople don't know a lot about them if at all. Princess Diana looked but couldn't find bugs. Transmitters, though, send noise or voice. There are military supplier-Watchtower connections.
So, if it's the first thing, forget it. If it's the second then you must find and remove the stuff or hire an expert, most being in the L.A. and California areas.