Gosh I have really missed all of you so much,,,,,,,,,I think I really realized how much I have missed talking to you all. I have been so wrapped up with kid stuff that I have put ME on the back burner ya know. That is all fine, but sometimes Mama needs to have some time to chat with friends that I share a special bond with. I have many great friends here in town, etc. but ya know you all will always hold a special place in my heart and I will try to be here more to get back in touch.
Gumby, I KNEW you were gonna say that about the yard sale computer,,,,,,,,,,I wish I had paid only $5 bucks for the other one then I wouldnt be so friggin mad it was a piece of crap. LOL @ the eggs,,,,,,,,, omg,,,,,,,,we still laugh about that . Denny told me he spoke to you and we just hope that it will hail in your part of Cali so we can have two good reasons to visit .
Melvin................Melvin, Melvin,,,,,,,,,great to see you posting here, you have such a wealth of avenues to help so many new ones here, new ones that are leaving and those who never had someone tell them that they are understood . You are such a great friend to Denny , in fact his very best . How are the girls and F? fine I hope,,,,,,,,mine are all doing great, we will have to chat soon.
Donnie,,,,,,,,,,,what a small world dude!!!!!!! Went thru Homer the other day, saw the KH and thought of you and your family. Got lots to talk about , I will get in touch with ya soon.
DoubleEdge, I still love that song!!
Sunspot, Brenda hey !!!!!!! I look forward to getting back in touch and hey is there still a chat room here at JWD?
I just got a new yahoo account so if anyone wants to add me to their list to chat,,,,,,,,,it is [email protected]
Hugsssssssssssssssssssssssss to ya all!!!!! Dede