Well those additional bits help...thanks for the info. I'll look into the Hatha yoga and pilates.
I'm not sure if watching a hot yoga instructor will help me relax.
by CeriseRose 14 Replies latest social physical
Well those additional bits help...thanks for the info. I'll look into the Hatha yoga and pilates.
I'm not sure if watching a hot yoga instructor will help me relax.
I just ran across an article about dahn yoga. Apparently, it's a cult. See http://www.rickross.com/groups/dti.html or google it.
I don't know lots about yoga--however, I just started to include some yoga in my exercise schedule. I figured it would help me to increase flexibility and relax after bicycling. I recently got two videotapes of yoga for beginners. They are made by a company called Gaiam. One of the tapes is a 75 minute tape with basic moves of hatha yoga. I have found it to be very relaxing and helpful with increasing flexibility. The other videotape is a 35 minute tape of yoga targeting abs. I feel it is a great (but not strenuous) workout.
Satanus -
Thank you for the link on the Dahn yoga. I am finding the info there to be very interesting as an acquaintance had attempted to introduce me to a local centre of this sort.
What similarites in techniques are used among CULTS !
I to use the yoga am/pm dvd, the am workout is great.