Went to an assembly this past saturday. Reason why i went cause my mother in law was baptized so the rest of us non believers went for moral support. It was in the "famous Stanley Theater" in NJ that i heard so much about growing up, my mother was so happy even thou i went, watched baptizm, ate with my inlaws, and was out like a bolt of lightning lol. I was so friggen nervous my husband had to hold my hand the whole time. 3rd time ever to go for almost 9years pretty scary...lol. Besides the mindless, arrogant, self righteous drones that were wandering about the place, I was afraid that one of them might try to brainwash me AGAIN... I thought it was hilarious they were all staring at my brother in law who looked like he was dressed for a nightclub rather than an assembly,(i think he did it on purpose) lol, Yea just wanted to share my little JW adventure lol..k ..bye
went to assembly past weekend lol
by JE1234 14 Replies latest jw friends
You paint an interesting picture...thanks 4 sharing...glad i don't have to go there again
Glad you made it out without being sucked back IN. I too wonder if they'll ever re-brainwash me. So do you have to bring your own lunch now?
I'm thinking about going to an assembly this summer. It'll be my first in about 15 years. If I do, I'll be one of the guys standing outside, holding a sign.
some people went out for food, others brought their own..
JE1234 - The assembly was in New Jersey...isn't it early for the assembly? How many days do they make them now? (excuse me but I have been out for 10 yrs)
Man, I remember the assemblies....and sitting and sitting and sitting and sitting...lol
How did you make it through all those boring, repititious talks without some booze or klonopin or something?
last time i went was with my wife about 6 years ago at the pontiac silverdome...............i still wonder how i went to things hauling 3 small children up and down those stairs....and because we had 3 small kids ( back in the 80's )...we always were either late of just getting there before the opening song,,,,and that meant climbing over about 4 to 6 persons..to get to a seat...and those seats were alawys in the most uncomfotable area...................and then as soon as we got seated...one of the kids would have to go to the bathroom....so you got to stand in line for about 30 minutes,,,and then when you came back...you got to climb all over those families all over again...of course the dirty looks would come along with that
and then came lunch...( back then they were still serving it up )go wait in line and if you did not go RIGHT away...you would not get what you wanted....of course when that happen you got to listen to the wife and kids moan all the way home about it.......i dont miss that at all////donald
Welcome & Greetings JE1234
Glad you made it out safe. I've been there many times, it is kind of an interesting place.
"Don't you go dyin' on me now"
I'll be one of the guys standing outside, holding a sign.
Freedom Hall - Johnson City, Tennessee that'd be me. 3 times this ASSembly season, if the Lord wills it.