I designed this page for a friend of mine who's a model. The links aren't done yet, but by tomorrow, they shall be. Please tell me what you think, and be honest.
Your opinions, please (Another webpage)
by ColdRedRain 16 Replies latest jw friends
Very dark, which is cool with me. Visually interesting.
The instructions on how to find the menu don't exactly pop out at you. I would imagine someone that goes to a lot of different model's Web sites daily would need something that clearly told them where to click to get what they wanted to see. In my opinion they won't spend two seconds trying to "figure it out" before clicking to another one.
Any site will be more effective if it conveys the feel of the target audience. What kind of modeling does your friend do? Who is she trying to attract to her site?
OldSoul -
Rod P
It was interesting, but I found the flashing annoying.
She's a plus sized model to be exact.
And for a finishing touch, I'm trying to add some Flash audio on the site, but I'm somehow not getting it embedded in the page properly.
I might have to do it the old fashioned way and embed a realaudio strea of Benne Benassi's "Satisfaction
BTW, I made the menu slide instructions alot more clear on the page.
I get that alot about my pages. And webpage design is like any other art. You'll have your fans of one style and you'll have your people that aren't too cool on the style.
Next up, I'm going to do a page for one of my friends. This one's going to have frames and it's going to have a gun type theme (He's a hunter)
reminds me of the matrix
I thought my computer was having a problem with it till i saw the other replies. I coulnt find the menu either sorry !
It does all run together, not a lot of definition for the menu and the font isn't something pleasing to the eye. For instance the listing of pronouns to the right of her picture, they blend in too much to the point they are hardly noticed.
I agree with the statement about the "matrixesque" format, seems a little dated and not very "warm".
My 2 cents...
I found the menu okay but there were no photos when I clicked on the link. the only picture was the blurry one with fuzzy interference at the beginning, which didnt really show you enough of your friend. Can I ask what size she is? What is considered plus sized in the states?
Black Sheep
I'm still on 56K, very slow download.
Is the fancy GIF worth the extra bytes?
Remember: Speed is good. Keep Ks down.
A bit dark for my liking and I find white text on a dark background is a real eye boggler if there is a lot of it.